How To Prepare Gladioli For Winter

How To Prepare Gladioli For Winter
How To Prepare Gladioli For Winter

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For gardeners, the approach of winter means the onset of a time of additional hassle associated with the need to prepare garden flowers for frost. However, some flowers easily tolerate the cold, unlike gladiolus, which brings a special headache to flower growers.

How to prepare gladioli for winter
How to prepare gladioli for winter


Step 1

There is no specific time for digging up gladioli tubers, since it all depends only on weather conditions. But experienced gardeners do this procedure two months after the last leaf fell, approximately closer to autumn. If the weather conditions deteriorate sharply, then you can dig it out earlier. This procedure is done in order to protect flowers from fungal diseases, which can be triggered by an increase in soil moisture.

Step 2

For digging, choose a bright sunny day when the soil is dry so that the tubers can easily move away from it. Then gently shake them off the soil, being careful not to resort to mechanical stress. The stem of the bulb must be cut off, retreating a distance of 12-17 centimeters from the top. This will help the bulb to absorb nutrients during storage.

Step 3

It is necessary to put the bulbs in a spacious wooden box, in one or two layers with a small distance between them. In this form, the tubers must be stored for a month, then cut off the dried stem and roots with garden scissors, if necessary, remove the old and damaged ones.

Step 4

Healthy bulbs must be treated with insect and fungal protection agents. Then put them in a separate bag and hang them for the winter in a room where the temperature is no more than 5 degrees, periodically checking their condition.
