How To Make A Party Hat

How To Make A Party Hat
How To Make A Party Hat

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A festive costume is usually thought out in advance, in accordance with the rules, rituals, signs and, of course, with personal preferences and style. It's great that a pointed cap will fit almost any outfit, and the more out of place it looks in combination with your suit, the better. The holiday should be fun, everything else is not so important.

How to make a party hat
How to make a party hat

It is necessary

  • For the wizard's cap:
  • - newspapers;
  • - sheet of whatman paper;
  • - colored paper;
  • - gold tinsel;
  • - golden wrapping paper;
  • - double-sided tape or glue;
  • - golden rain.
  • For Santa Claus cap:
  • - fleece or red velor;
  • - a strip of white fleecy fabric and a pom-pom.


Step 1

Wizard's Cap Make a pattern for a cap out of newspaper or waste paper. Measure the circumference of the head, cut out a triangle from the newspaper with a rounded base equal to this circle, and with sides about 32 cm. Try on the pattern, joining it with straight sides butt-to-side.

Step 2

Cut out from whatman paper a quarter of a circle with sides-radii 32 cm long, along the circumference of which is equal to the circumference of the head plus 2 cm for gluing. Stick the gold wrapping paper onto the blank using double-sided tape or glue, cut off the protruding edges of the paper. Cut stars out of blue paper, dragons out of red, and stick them on the cap.

Step 3

Roll the blank into a cone and secure the edges with tape or glue. Glue tinsel to the bottom edge of the cone, make a pompom from tinsel, and make a sultan from rain. Pass the rain and tinsel through the hole in the top, roll the tinsel into a ball, and secure the ends inside the cap. Leave the rain hanging loosely from top to edge.

Step 4

Case of Frost Hat Measure the circumference of the head. Make a paper pattern: the base of the cone should be equal to the measured value plus seam allowances (1 cm on each side), the sides of the cone should be equal to the desired length of the cap. Try on the pattern by joining the edges of the cone and securing it with a pin.

Step 5

Cut a cone out of the soft red fabric along the pattern. Fold the fabric inside out and sew the edges with your hands, with a simple needle stitch, or overstitch. Attach a strip of white fluffy fabric or faux fur around the edge of the hood.

Step 6

Make a pompom from fur: cut out a square of the desired size from it, put pieces of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool in the center from the inside out, pull off the ends of the square with a thread. Sew a pom-pom to the top of the hood.

Step 7

Make a pompom from fur: cut out a square of the desired size from it, put pieces of padding polyester or cotton wool in the center from the inside out, pull off the ends of the square with a thread. Sew a pom-pom to the top of the hood. Decorate the piece with silver frost dust (use a spray can of glitter hair).
