How To Choose A Boar Hunting Rifle

How To Choose A Boar Hunting Rifle
How To Choose A Boar Hunting Rifle

Wild boar hunting is especially popular among Russian hunters. This is due not only to the interest and complexity, but also to the huge population of these animals. There are over 200,000 wild boars in Russia. However, before you start hunting, you need to choose the right gun.

How to choose a boar hunting rifle
How to choose a boar hunting rifle

Boars are very tenacious creatures, so you need to aim and shoot at slaughter places. Even a mortally wounded boar can injure a hunter.

To successfully hunt this beast, you need the right weapon. The main indicator to be guided by is reliability. It must be absolute.

Also pay attention to the accuracy and accuracy of the rifle. These indicators are especially important for those hunters who shoot from a distance of more than 300 meters. For wild boar hunting, an accuracy of 4-5 centimeters per hundred meters will be enough.

Smoothbore shotgun

The twelve-gauge double-barreled shotguns are ideal for wild boar hunting. They allow you to instantly make two shots at the animal and quickly reload. Pump-action and semi-automatic models are less suitable for such a hunt, since certain difficulties arise during reloading.

It is worth noting that guns, despite machine production, have individual characteristics. In particular, the bore diameter may differ by 0.2 mm, and the nominal values from different manufacturers differ by 0.3 mm. Therefore, a bullet of one caliber may be perfect for one gun and not at all for another.

Self-loading rifled gun

One of the best options is the semi-automatic carbines. Such a weapon is indispensable during round-up hunts, since in this case, a second shot at the animal is supposed. Therefore, the weapon must have good controllability, and the caliber must make it easy to make an accurate second shot.

It is best to choose imported models, as they are adapted for collective driven hunting. These shotguns have an acceptable weight, an optimized caliber and the ability to use a variety of accessories. Domestic weapons are also good, but they are inferior in terms of hunting. It is designed for military use, where you often have to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Shop rifles

Almost all magazine rifles have sufficient reliability and quality for hunting wild boar. However, among all it is worth highlighting the unsurpassed system Mauser 98. If finances allow, then it is better to prefer it. Otherwise, you can stop at the designs Heym SR21, Sako 85, Steyr Mannhiler SBS 96, SHR-970 and some others.

The advantage of such magazine rifles over other shotguns lies in the rate of fire and in the ability to install the telescopic sight as close to the barrel axis as possible.
