If you are already an experienced hunter, then you are probably familiar with all the nuances that are important when choosing a gun, the main "tool of labor" for a hunter of small and large game. If buying a gun is a new task for you, then a few tips in this responsible business will definitely not hurt.

Step 1
To choose the right gun, you need to know in advance where, when and who you are going to hunt, for several types of game or for one.
Step 2
Consider your fitness, strength, muscle development and even heart condition to get the right hunting rifle for you.
Step 3
So, when choosing a hunting rifle, start by identifying your target. Depending on this, choose a cartridge corresponding to the degree of lethality, the caliber of the gun.
Step 4
Next, find out the conditions for hunting, that is, at what distances the selected game will be shot. The cartridge must have the necessary action at a short or long distance, must have the appropriate performance in terms of speed, muzzle energy.
Step 5
When choosing a sample, model of a hunting rifle, take into account its versatility, design features due to the chosen type of hunting and the ability to make one aimed shot or several at once, one after the other.
Step 6
Based on these parameters, choose a single-barreled, double-barreled shotgun with an open sight or optics. Inspect the gun upon purchase.
Step 7
If you are an inexperienced hunter, do not purchase a heap of hitting weapons: this will lead to misses when shooting at close ranges. It should be noted that the best shotgun for the modern hunting enthusiast is the "double-barreled" gun with vertical barrels.
Compared to a single-shot single-barreled shotgun, a double-barreled shotgun is more profitable because it allows you to instantly fire a second shot. It makes it possible to have a variety of shells at the ready and shoot at different distances from different barrels. When hunting for a large game, two separate locks are better than one: in case of a sudden breakdown of one, the second continues to function.