Alec Guinness: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Alec Guinness: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Alec Guinness: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Modern cinema is no longer the same. This maxim can often be heard from older viewers. Several generations of Soviet people were brought up on books and films created in the genre of socialist realism. In Western democracies, artists constantly constructed the future for the individual and society, using the genre of fantasy or social fiction. In one of the cult series, called "Star Wars", there are "light" characters who are called the Jedi. The famous British actor Sir Alec Guinness splendidly performed one of these roles.

Alec Guinness
Alec Guinness

Escape from poverty

Great Britain has held the title of a great power for many centuries. Despite all sorts of events and political cataclysms, the sun never sets over the territory where English is spoken. But this country is known not only for its vast possessions. The British Empire has formed a cultural code that shapes the landscape in the most remote corners of the planet. This is not difficult to see if you look at the statistics. The most prestigious educational institutions are located on the territory of foggy Albion. The City of London has been considered the world's financial center for three hundred years.

British theater and cinema serve as role models in America, Asia and Europe. In this context, it is interesting and instructive to read the biography of Sir Alec Guinness, an outstanding film and theater actor. The future knight and holder of the Order of the British Empire was born on April 2, 1914 in a poor suburb of London. A large family interrupted, as they say, from bread to kvass, and the child had to wear things for older children. When the boy was fourteen years old, the situation worsened even more. Father died suddenly. Alec spent several years in a boarding house, where he received his primary education.


In this context, it should be noted that despite the harsh customs of the capitalist system, the royal government showed concern for the well-being of its subjects. The empire needed soldiers and sailors, weavers and miners, actors and directors. The system of social support for the poor and needy people first began to form in England. Within the walls of the state institution, pupils were taught to craft, and to creativity, and to an independent life. As a teenager Guinness, under the influence of strict educators, got a taste for reincarnation on stage and decided to become an actor.

To make his dream come true, the young man had to pass entrance tests to get into a theater school. But this is only half the battle. Alec had to take care of the minimum income for subsistence. He had no wealthy relatives. However, this time fate smiled at him. The aspiring actor was hired by the theater as an assistant decorator and extra. Guinness used this opportunity to the maximum effect. He not only studied acting, but also observed how the theater lives from performance to performance.


First roles

Love for the profession helps to overcome all obstacles on the way. When Alec was twenty years old, he first appeared on stage. It must be said that neither the public nor the critics paid the slightest attention to the young extra. Which is to be expected. The career of a great performer developed gradually and consistently. And after some four years he was entrusted with the role of Hamlet in the play of the same name by the cult playwright William Shakespeare. This was the first real success.

From that time on, they began to load it, if it is appropriate to put it that way, in full. Conservative English theater was very "tight" for all sorts of updates and avant-garde forms of presentation of material. Alec Guinness, as best he could, brought a fresh stream into the mossy forms. It was a great time. In 1938, the actor married Merula Salaman, with whom they played in the same performance. Sir Alec's personal life has developed with dignity. Husband and wife have lived under the same roof for over sixty years. The couple had a son.


When World War II broke out, Guinness volunteered for His Majesty's Navy. The famous actor turned out to be a worthy warrior. Already in 1942, he received an officer's rank and was wounded in battle. I had to fight in the Mediterranean basin. According to the list on the military ID, Captain Guinness participated in escorting ships with ammunition for the Yugoslav partisans. Participated in the landing on the island of Sicily. The actor did not spread much about his service, but considered it an important stage in the formation of his personality.

Returning home as a winner, Alec continued his service in the theater. It was at this time that they began to invite him to the cinema. The first works in "Oliver Twist" and "Great Expectations" made the actor popular. For the success in the development of cinema, the Queen personally awarded Guinness a knighthood. The famous and titled artist has not changed his lifestyle one iota. In the comedy "Kind Hearts and Crowns" he played 8 (eight!) Roles alone.


Weary Jedi

While health allowed, Sir Alec played in the theater and did not refuse to act in films. In the mid-50s, a new film, "The Bridge over the River Kwai", was released. The film is based on the story of the same name and reproduces a dramatic episode of the war. The role played by Guinness made a deep impression on audiences and critics. According to the results of the poll, the actor received the most prestigious award, the Oscar statuette.

Twenty years later, viewers saw the first episodes of Star Wars. The famous actor was persuaded for a long time to play the role of the light knight, the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sir Alec agreed. The film brought him a new wave of fame and decent fees. The artist himself did not like this role, it happens. He was persuaded for a long time to work on the next series.

Alec Guinness's life ended in 2000. His wife survived him by only a few months.
