Fry are very independent creatures and can eat food without additional help. The main issue is the production of the feed itself. You can do it yourself at home.

Step 1
Keep in mind that the easiest way is to feed the fry of viviparous fish, which include platies, swordtails, mollienesias and guppies. A month after the fertilization of the eggs occurs, the females will have live fry. Youngsters of such fish are able to eat traditional small food already a day after birth. In this case, it is important to keep the offspring alive from being eaten by other fish, which may even be the parents of newborns. Therefore, the pregnant female is placed in a separate aquarium or behind a mesh fence in the main aquarium. And immediately after the birth of the fry, it is returned to all fish.
Step 2
To feed the fry of scalar or other cyclides, as well as catfish and barbs, you need brine shrimp nauplius eggs, which can be found in any aquarium store. Young fish of these fish have a rather large mouth opening, and therefore, crustaceans will be ideal food for them. So, first, buy the eggs of the brine shrimp salina. They may have another name - cysts and look like fine sand. They will be sold to you in a plastic bag.
Step 3
Pour in a 3-liter jar with settled water at room temperature. Add regular table salt there, observing the proportion: 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Then dip the water crustacean eggs into the jar and turn on the purge. A day or a little later, if you had water of a cooler temperature, nauplii crustaceans will be born from the eggs.
Step 4
Newborn crustaceans react to light like moths. Therefore, use a lamp so that they concentrate in one place and catch them with a small net. After that, rinse the crustaceans with fresh water and run them into the main aquarium with fry.
Step 5
As the fry grow older, transfer them to a different diet, you can even use ordinary dry fish food, at first gradually adding it along with the crustaceans, and then gradually, reduce the content of crustaceans to nothing.