Minecraft was only at first similar to the usual "mining" game, where the extraction of valuable resources was periodically interrupted by battles with hostile mobs, as well as the taming and breeding of animals. Now his gaming world is increasingly acquiring the features of a modern post-industrial society. Much of this is due to the appropriate modifications.

Mod and materials for creating a copper wire
Industrial Craft2 is especially different in this regard. Thanks to this mod, gamers have access to crafting recipes for many modern devices and devices. There are also very grandiose structures, for example, a nuclear reactor. By introducing mechanisms of this kind into their game world, gamers are transforming it from rural mining to urban. Now the breath of the megalopolis is beginning to be felt here with might and main.
In the device of such devices, copper wire with insulation is often used. It is suitable for transmitting low voltage over short distances, therefore it is usually used to connect parts of various mechanisms. If you neglect such recommendations and conduct a high voltage current through copper wires, it will certainly lead to a fire or even an explosion.
Such a product is crafted from copper plates. They are simply cut into thin strips with wire cutters (they are made from three plates and two iron ingots). Then the output is two wires without insulation. However, there is also a more efficient way to produce one and a half times more of these items. For this, copper plates or ingots are processed in a metal shaper.
By the way, in the old version of Industrial Craft, there was a slightly different recipe. According to him, six copper wires were obtained by placing three ingots of this metal in the middle horizontal row of the workbench.
These fused copper lumps, in turn, are produced in two ways. To obtain copper ingots, the corresponding dust or ore is simply fired in a furnace. The aforementioned ore is found in the game quite often - up to one and a half to two dozen blocks per chunk. However, this cannot be considered an incalculable wealth, given that the consumption of copper in the gameplay is also unusually high - including for copper wires.
Insulation for copper wire
However, in order for such products to really find a use, it is necessary to make more insulation for them. This is done in a very similar way to how everything happens in a similar situation in the real world. In Industrial Craft2, a rubber sheath is put on the copper wire.
The production of the latter is carried out in several stages. First you need to find a rare tree - hevea. It looks almost like an ordinary one, but with a pyramidal crown. The greatest chance to find a hevea is the one who goes to the swamp for this. In desert areas, on the contrary, it is impossible to find such a tree in principle.
It usually grows in small groups of two or three. You can recognize it by the dark color of the trunk, high crown and translucent foliage. In addition, drops of rubber will be visible in some places on the wood. To extract the latter, you need to stick a faucet in the right place on the trunk. By the way, even if you cut down everything from the Hevea, except for such "rubber" blocks, they will still produce such material as long as there is enough of it.
In the case of placing a cube of Hevea wood immediately into the extractor, after squeezing, a lump of rubber will be obtained. However, it is much more productive to make it from rubber in a similar way. Each unit will produce three times more rubber. When there is no extractor, you can burn the rubber in the oven, but then only a unit of rubber is formed at the exit.
There are two ways to craft insulated copper wire after obtaining both ingredients to create it. In the first case, rubber is placed in the upper left corner of the workbench, and a copper wire is placed to the right of it. However, you can use the resources available in the inventory and with greater impact. If three copper ingots are placed in the middle horizontal row of the machine, and the remaining cells are occupied with six units of rubber, as a result, six insulated wires will come out. They will certainly come in handy for the device of various devices.