Graceful snow-white swans have fascinated people with their beauty for a long time, and have long been considered a symbol of romance and love. Having learned how to draw a swan with your own hands, you can decorate friendly and romantic cards with your drawings, and a drawing of a swan, presented to your loved one, will further strengthen your relationship. Drawing a swan is not at all difficult - in this article we will help you do it using a step-by-step technique.

Step 1
There are two ways to draw a swan, each of which is quite simple. Draw two ovals. Place one oval slightly lower, making it larger, and another smaller oval, draw a little higher, at a distance from the lower one. You have sketched the body and head of the future swan.
Step 2
Connect the ovals with smooth lines, curving these lines in the shape of a swan's neck. Erase the auxiliary lines and draw eyes and a beak on the swan's head, which can later be painted yellow with a black dot.
Step 3
On the front of the body, outline the outlines of the wing, showing the feathers with light strokes. From behind, the wing should only look out from behind the body of the swan - draw its edge, visible from behind. After that, draw the swan's tail in the form of a tuft of feathers and depict the surface of bluish water under it.
Step 4
Another simple method of drawing a swan begins by drawing the ordinary number "2" on paper. You may notice that the outline of the handwritten number two is very similar to the outlines of the neck, head and body of a swan.
Step 5
Draw a graceful, curved deuce with a twisted top edge, and then from the top curled inward, draw a curved line to the left and upward to outline the beak. From the right edge of the two, located at the bottom, draw the outlines of the feathers, depicting them as an elongated jagged line going down.
Step 6
Parallel to the curved bottom line of the 2, draw a wavy surface of the water.
Step 7
Duplicate the outline of the swan's rounded head and neck at a small distance, connecting it with water, and draw a wing on the resulting torso.
Step 8
To depict the wing, it is enough to outline a light horizontal arc. Draw the swan's eye and beak. The drawing is ready.