How To Make A Plot

How To Make A Plot
How To Make A Plot

Table of contents:


The plot - from the French subject - the development of the action, the order of events in literary and dramatic works. For the first time in this sense, the word was used in the 17th century. The presentation of the plot in a logical order is the basis of a dramatic, narrative, and sometimes lyrical work. A correct plot has several parts.


Step 1

First, keep in mind that the plot is not yet a play, not a script, or a novel. This is just a summary of events. There should not be painted dialogues, detailed descriptions of the heroes' appearance (with rare exceptions, for example, if the hero is blind or does not have one leg) and interiors. You will write each part of the plot on a new sheet of paper.

Step 2

The first, but optional part of the plot is the exposure. In fact, nothing happens in it. The state of affairs before the beginning of events is described: how the heroes live, what is good and what is bad in their life. There is a latent escalation of the situation, leading to the next stage.

Step 3

The next stage is a watershed event. The hero loses support in life (a luxurious house burns down, his wife is brutally murdered), he ceases to take what is happening for granted (tired of being a slave, can no longer tolerate beatings, responded with blow for blow). This event should flow smoothly from the previous step. However, some works immediately begin with a turning point. In any case, there should be no hysteria, anguish, or pretense in the hero's deed. It must be logical and justified.

Step 4

Development of events. After the turning point, the hero finds himself in new circumstances, which he could not even have imagined before: poverty after wealth, loneliness after family hearth, wandering after a settled life, persecution after favor and universal respect. A person goes through several stages: shock, acceptance, adaptation.

Step 5

At the stage of accepting the situation, the hero meets with a side companion. At first, they annoy each other, to the point of wanting to kill each other. Over time, they gradually get used to each other, but until the very end between them there are conflict situations that exacerbate the plot. The side hero helps the main person to accept the situation, navigate in it and understand the future goal.

Step 6

Movement towards the goal. At this stage, events continue to develop, gaining momentum. It becomes more and more difficult for the hero to cope with himself and the situation.

Step 7

The climax. A person encounters the cause of his misfortune, be it a person or a phenomenon. The most difficult struggle for the entire work takes place, in which the hero has to defeat evil, overcoming himself and his main fear. The case is crowned with victory.

Step 8

Interchange. The realization of victory and its significance for the heroes comes. Returns, at least partially, what the hero lost at the beginning of the plot.
