Everyone can remember many cases when they wanted to write an interesting story or a voluminous literary work, but all the inspiration ended, it was worth thinking about the development of the plot. Indeed, in order to write a worthwhile literary text, the author must carefully think over the plot lines, make them interesting and logical. A dynamically developing plot, well-thought-out characters, an unexpected denouement - all this makes the work attractive and exciting for the reader. In this article, we will tell you what you need to remember so that the plot does not become boring and drawn-out.

Step 1
Before you start writing your book or story, get busy creating a script or plan. This will help structure ideas and arrange them in the right order. Start by designing an introduction, then move on to the main body.
Step 2
Work out the main lines of the characters, dialogues and events. Having a ready-made script later will help you to further diversify and complicate the plot in the process of writing the book.
Step 3
When writing a plot, come up with a setting for your story or your novel. The place of action must be thought out as carefully as possible, with the most detailed descriptions - the reader must see before his eyes what you are writing about. The setting should be described in an atmospheric way, so that this atmosphere is conveyed to readers through the text.
Step 4
Show how you see the world you are describing. Try to fit within the genre in which you write. Think about the mood in the place in which the main action of your novel takes place. Also, the atmosphere and style of the scene should be attractive to you - after all, you can write only about what you like.
Step 5
Having thought out the place of action, start working out the characters. Think about what images will be in the characters, what you want to say, depicting their characters and actions, and whether the characters are prototypes of real people, or you invent them from beginning to end in your imagination.
Step 6
Characters should evoke an emotional response from readers - love, admiration, pity, hate, or outrage. No one should remain indifferent to the character - be it a positive or negative hero.
Step 7
Do not forget that there must be an element of humor in the behavior and appearance of the character - an overly serious work will not attract the reader. Give the reader the opportunity to laugh at the characters in your book.
Step 8
Consider what roles good and bad characters will play in your book. Define their tasks, their behavior style and type of attachment.
Step 9
You also need to come up with certain splashes of the plot - interesting and exciting situations in which the reader cannot tear himself away from the book without knowing how the story ended and what the fate of the heroes he loved. Make your heroes interact, come up with unusual moves.
Step 10
Don't make their communication boring - the situations in the plot should be harsh and unpredictable. Don't forget about the main climax of the plot and about the denouement, which can be either completely finished or open - an open denouement gives the reader the opportunity to complete the future of the characters in their own imagination. A correctly worked out plot develops dynamically and, approaching the final point, evokes vivid emotions in readers.