Boy A is a British drama released back in 2007. The film was directed by John Crowley based on the novel by the young writer Jonathan Triggel.

Jack is released from prison, where he spent 14 years of his life for the murder of nine-year-old Angela Milton. Already a 24-year-old boy, he understands little about what is happening around him, so his mentor Terry teaches the young man to live anew.
The man helps the guy choose a new name, find housing and work, and gives advice on what to do in a given situation. Now boy A's name is not Eric Wilson, but Jack Beridge. He is a vulnerable and secretive young man, but even despite his modesty, the guy quickly finds friends in the person of his work colleagues and falls in love with Michelle's girlfriend. Life seems to be starting to improve, but the fact is that Jack is still tormented by memories of the past. He often thinks about his childhood friend, Philip, with whom they committed a terrible crime, and also learns that Philip not so long ago committed suicide. It seems to Jack that in this way the boy tried to say his "forgive" to the world. In addition, the young man is not even sure that his old friend took his own life on his own.
Jack cannot reveal his secret to anyone, since a decent monetary reward has been assigned for any information about his location on the Internet, but sooner or later everything secret becomes clear.