Crossword puzzle is a popular intellectual entertainment all over the world. It is an educational and educational game suitable for people of all ages. It has been proven that solving crossword puzzles trains memory, broadens horizons and develops associative and logical thinking.

Step 1
With the spread of crosswords in the world, a huge number of varieties of this game were invented. There are at least a dozen of the most well-known types of crosswords.
Step 2
A classic crossword puzzle is called, the drawing of which is symmetrical, the guessed words must be entered from left to right or from top to bottom. Riddles for such crosswords are divided into two groups - vertically and horizontally.
Step 3
The Scanword, or Scandinavian crossword puzzle, has now become even more popular than the classic version. The grid of the scanword does not contain unoccupied cells, so such a crossword puzzle is difficult to compose, but it is quite simple to solve, since there are much more clue letters with correctly guessed words than in a classic crossword puzzle. Tasks fit directly into the squares of the grid, and these squares usually indicate in which direction the word should be written.
Step 4
The Japanese crossword puzzle differs from the letter versions in that the clue in such a game is the picture. Such crosswords are grids along which numbers are located indicating the number of cells that need to be shaded. Between two groups of numbers there must be at least one empty one, the player needs to solve this ratio by comparing the numbers and shade the required cells correctly.
Step 5
Alphabetic are crosswords in which all the hidden words have some common feature, for example, they consist of the same number of letters or start with the same letter.
Step 6
Fragmentary crosswords are used as riddles of pictures or photographs, the arrow indicates the direction in which you need to write the answer.
Step 7
Dual is called a crossword puzzle, in each cell of which letters have already been entered, while there are two of them in each cell. To solve the problem, you need to guess which of the letters is superfluous in each cell.
Step 8
Hungarian crossword puzzle or fileword is a rectangular field completely filled with letters. In such a field, you need to find and cross out words that are read along broken lines. No letter of one word can be used in another. There is a German fileword, in which words should be crossed out only in straight lines, while the same letters can be included in several words.
Step 9
A linear crossword puzzle is called a chain of words, where the last letter of a word is the initial one for the next one. In such a crossword puzzle, words in no case can intersect.