Japanese crosswords require, unlike traditional ones, not erudition, but logical thinking. So if you want to develop your ability to think logically, buy a collection of Japanese crosswords, and get down to business.

Step 1
Get your pencil and eraser ready. Always start by looking for the largest number or group of numbers. Count how many cells remain unhatched. Select those rows and columns that will be shaded completely (that is, those where the number of shaded cells will coincide with the sum of all digits in the group).
Step 2
After that, pay attention to those lines in which at least one space will remain between the groups of shaded cells. For example, if a line consists of 11 cells, and you need to fill in 5 and 5, then the space will be between the two shaded parts of the line, 5 cells each. Mark all unoccupied cells with a cross.
Step 3
Look closely at the crossword puzzle field. Look for options where you can confidently shade some of the cells in a line. If out of 10 cells you need to shade 7, then wherever you start counting, 4 cells in the middle of the line will be shaded.
Step 4
As you solve the crossword puzzle, a picture begins to emerge, and you can already understand which cells need to be left blank and which ones to paint over. For example, you have to paint 7 cells in one of the columns, and the 2nd, 3rd, etc. up to the 7th from the top are already marked with crosses. This means that nothing should be shaded between them and the edge of the crossword puzzle.
Step 5
Constantly check all the rows and columns to see if you have already shaded the required number of cells somewhere. If so, mark the remaining cells in this column or row with crosses.
Step 6
Master the simple Japanese crosswords first, before tackling those that don't involve a lot of solid filled lines. It is much easier to determine where the block of 9 filled cells is located than to guess how to distribute several groups of 2-3 cells in one line. If you got such a crossword puzzle, mark all possible options with a dotted line and choose the correct one. There are usually not so many options.
Step 7
Do not take color Japanese crosswords until you have mastered black and white, since counting colors and numbers at the same time requires the work of two brain hemispheres at once and developed abstract and imaginative thinking, which without preparation will be very tedious.