Vera Vasilyeva's Husband: Photo

Vera Vasilyeva's Husband: Photo
Vera Vasilyeva's Husband: Photo

Talented Soviet actress, People's Artist of the USSR - Vera Vasilyeva. Her starring roles are in the films Carnival, Marry the Captain, Chuk and Gek. Today, this gorgeous woman, who has more than a hundred roles, is 93 years old. And she has long outlived her equally talented husband. What was the marriage of Vera Vasilyeva?

Vera Vasilyeva's husband: photo
Vera Vasilyeva's husband: photo


The future actress was born on September 30, 1925 in the capital. Her family lived very poorly, her parents raised three more children. Because of Soviet poverty, already in her teens, Vasilyeva twice intended to commit suicide, but at the last moment something stopped her.

The first enthusiastic impression from the play "The Tsar's Bride" by Rimsky-Korsakov at the Bolshoi Theater pushed her to acting. To get on it, she saved money for a long time, even sold school textbooks and used one set for two with a friend.

After leaving school, Vasilieva applied to the circus school. But she did not cope with the physical fitness test. And then she went to the Moscow City Theater School, where she studied to become a dramatic actress.

Creative career

After graduation, Vera Kuzminichna went to work at the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. Her beauty and talent were immediately appreciated, elevating her to the rank of prima in the first two years. By the way, she still serves in this theater today.

Here she performed over 60 roles, now she performs in the productions of Fatal Attraction, Talents and Admirers, Ornifle. She also plays in theaters in Bryansk, Tver and Orel.

Participation in films

The actress made her film debut in 1945. It was a small role in the film "Gemini" by K. Yudin. She was noticed and invited to play the role of barmaid Nastenka Gusenkova in the film "The Legend of the Siberian Land". To participate in the tape, slender Vera had to enlarge her breasts with the help of rolled stockings pushed into the bodice and wash off the makeup from her face. The role gave the aspiring actress nationwide love.

A memorable prominent work of Vasilyeva was her participation in the film "The Adventures of a Dentist", where she played with beginners Myagkov, Alisa Freindlich, Igor Kvasha.

Then there were several striking episodes in the series "The Investigation is being conducted by experts", the film "We Didn't Pass It", the drama "Minors".

The most famous role - in the comedy "Carnival". In it, Vasilyeva portrayed the mother of student Nikita. The mother of the main character Tamara in the equally funny comedy "The Married Bachelor" also went to the talented Vasilyeva.


Vera Kuzminichna's filmography includes more than six dozen paintings, and in all of them she was brilliant and irresistible.

Falling in love and marriage

Only when she entered the theater, the young actress fell head over heels in love with the production director Boris Ravenskikh. His merit is the popular production of "The Wedding with a Dowry". At the time of their acquaintance, he was married. However, he also sympathized with Vera, even went to woo her parents.


But after the director was transferred to another theater, he quickly forgot about his feelings, and this led to a separation. The actress was worried for a long time and for many years she was in love with the idol who had abandoned her.

Actor Vladimir Ushakov was invited to the adaptation of "Weddings with a Dowry". He was handsome and imposing. And immediately noticed the charming young creature Vera.

For three years Ushakov courted Vasilyeva. She did not give up for a long time. And they played the wedding only seven years later. This happened in 1956. Then, when it was required to draw up documents for a shared apartment. Even then, they didn't buy rings. Only 50 years later, at the celebration of the round date of marriage, the couple decided to exchange gold jewelry.

All 55 years of marriage, their relationship has been very delicate and respectful. Vladimir Petrovich demonstrated not only perseverance in courting his future wife, but also restraint - in no way during the years of his life together he showed jealousy and resentment for the fact that there was no mutual feeling on the part of his beloved. Moreover, she even spoke out in an interview that she would always love the Ravenskys. And yet Vera treated her husband very carefully and felt protected with him.

Ushakov gave his wife a bohemian life. No household chores (the housekeeper did everything), numerous outings, personally attended all of her performances. The couple have always been elegant, beautiful and well-behaved.

It is believed that in creative families someone is always inferior to the other, trampling on their own ambitions. Such in this alliance was Vladimir Petrovich, who until the end of his days fostered in his beloved Faith to become the tsar and beauty.


There are no children in marriage. But for Vasilyeva, this was not the goal and did not become a problem. Once Vera met a young girl Dasha Miloslavskaya, whom she fell in love with with all her heart and calls her daughter, and her children are called grandchildren. The woman is the goddaughter of the couple.

Death of Ushakov

The actor was very sick in the last years of his life. He had a stroke, eye surgery, and several heart attacks. Both Vera herself and their goddaughter Daria looked after him.

He died in July 2011. In the sanatorium where the creative couple rested, the actor had a heart attack. On the way to the hospital, he died.

The body was cremated, and the ashes were buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.


Vera Vasilieva in her 93 years old looks great, she goes on stage with pleasure and acts in films.
