The winter tent is intended for winter hiking (two-layer, with a bottom) and for winter fishing (without a bottom). The tent should be sheltered from the wind, snow, be stable, keep the temperature. During overnight stays or long fishing in the presence of heating (tourist stove, stove), the temperature in the tent should allow people to be in it without outerwear. In addition, the awning of the tent must allow air to pass through, "breathe" in order to prevent ice from freezing on the roof.

Step 1
By design, winter tents can be divided into three types: umbrella type, frame tent, automatic tent. The frame tent design provides for a frame made of fiberglass (duralumin) tubes (two or three folding arcs) and an awning that is stretched over them. It takes about 10 minutes to set up or disassemble such a tent, which is not very pleasant at low temperatures outside. In addition, frame tents do not differ in rigidity, strong gusts of wind blow them away. The presence of a collapsible frame makes the structure heavier and complicates the use of the tent. To roll up a frame tent, you need to shake off the snow from the awning, then unhook it from the frame, roll it up in the snow or with an assistant on the weight, carefully roll it up and pack it into a special cover. Arcs are folded and packed separately. The cover can be carried over the shoulder.
Step 2
Umbrella tent. More reliable design, quicker to assemble and disassemble. The umbrella tent is a four-, five- or hexagonal extendable shape that you can simply stick into the snow. Screw-in legs give the tent stability, great wind resistance. In addition, tent tents are usually equipped with a "skirt", which, subsequently, is covered with snow, gives even greater rigidity and helps to keep warm inside. Assembling such a tent in a low temperature condition is as easy as disassembling. The collapsible mechanism allows you to do this in a matter of seconds. The tent is shaken, closed, then packed in a cover.
Step 3
Recently, so-called automatic tents have appeared on sale. They are elastic, fiberglass arcs, folded in a certain way in a circle, covered with an awning. As such, the tent is packed in a cover. To unfold it, you just need to get the tent out of the cover, it itself takes the desired four-sided shape. However, it is quite difficult to fold such a tent without training. It is necessary to fold the tent in half, then fold it in half again, and then twist the flat quarter of the tent into an eight, fold in half to make a circle again and immediately put it in the cover so that the tent does not have time to turn around. Of course, such a tent is compact, lightweight and easy to use. But it is unstable and fragile. If folded incorrectly, the arcs can break, and the fabric on the arcs quickly frays and becomes unusable.