Spring pruning of fruit trees is needed to form a bowl-shaped crown. Such a crown, thanks to the open center, provides better access to air and light, which, in turn, contributes to the strengthening of the health of the plant and the collection of a bountiful harvest.

It is necessary
Step 1
Before tackling the pruner, inspect the trees, because pruning is not just a laborious agrotechnical technique, but also the strongest factor affecting the most important life processes of plants. It has been proven that pruning the crown of a young tree negatively affects the growth of all its parts and fruiting. Use pruning in a young garden only as an emergency measure necessary to create a suitable crown base.
Step 2
Pruning mature fruiting plants helps maintain the required crown size and ensures high quality fruit. The regularity of fruiting is positively influenced by the combination of pruning a plant with protection from diseases and pests, with thinning of ovaries and flowers.
Step 3
Start pruning pear and apple trees when the daytime temperature rises above freezing. Trees should be dormant with no leaves, flowers or swollen buds. Start pruning by thinning the crown, end by shortening the shoots.
Step 4
Do not prune stone fruits such as plums, cherries, cherry plums, peaches early, as this will increase the risk of their disease. It is best to wait for the leaves to bloom or the onset of the rosebud phase.
Step 5
Since the yield of stone fruits, in contrast to pome crops, depends on fruit set, and their trees are small in size, pruning is more limited. For plums, cherries and cherry plums, a solid crown develops on its own. Pruning is only needed in cases of significant weakening of growth processes.
Step 6
It is better not to touch the apricot in the spring. By shifting pruning to summer or winter, you can more accurately determine the degree of pruning and increase the plant's resistance to temperature extremes.
Step 7
Prune frozen trees in the second half of spring or at the very beginning of summer. This helps to enhance their growth.