Gardenia is a genus of evergreen shrubs from the madder family. Representatives of this genus are found naturally in Southeast and South Asia. Several types of gardenias are popular with indoor growers because of their beautiful flowering. Cultivated as a pot plant, this plant needs to be shaped by pruning and pinching.

It is necessary
- - a sharp knife;
- - charcoal;
- - "Epin-extra".
Step 1
From a room gardenia, as a rule, they form a low lush bush or tree with a smooth trunk and a spherical crown, which is called the standard form of a plant. To obtain this shape, a rooted stalk or seedling is suitable. In early spring, all lateral shoots are cut off from a young gardenia, leaving leaves on the trunk.
Step 2
Once the seedling is long enough to form a tree, pinch the topmost bud. Leaving three to four buds at the top of the trunk, all others should be removed along with the leaves as the upper shoots grow. By removing the leaves and buds from part of the stem to the branches that form the crown, you will get a plant with a smooth stem. Once the branches left to form the crown have reached the desired length, pinch the buds at their ends.
Step 3
On the gardenia, from which the bush is formed, at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring, the buds are pinched at the ends of the shoots from fifteen to twenty centimeters long. Prolonged branches are shortened to the same size throughout the bush. The day before pruning, the plant is watered abundantly.
Step 4
When shortening the shoots, make sure that the last bud remaining on the branch is no closer than half a centimeter from the end of the branch. The cut can be powdered with charcoal. Having cut off the gardenia, sprinkle it with a solution of "Epina-extra", prepared from two drops of the drug and two hundred milliliters of water.
Step 5
If necessary, the plant can be formed in the fall, after the end of flowering. A gardenia trimmed during this period will require wintering in a well-lit place at a temperature of about sixteen degrees. In a shaded room with warmer air, the formed plant will stretch out over the winter and lose most of its decorative effect.
Step 6
A malformed old gardenia bush can be rejuvenated by cutting off all branches in early spring at a height of about four centimeters from the soil surface. By placing such a plant in a lighted place without direct sunlight, you will be able to re-form a compact bush from young shoots.