Today you can see psychics on TV, read about them on specialized sites, and meet them on the street. Or maybe you also have psychic abilities? How to find them in yourself? This can be determined by key features.

Step 1
The first sign of psychic abilities is strange dreams. If you often have to see lucid, as well as prophetic dreams, it means that extrasensory abilities are arising and the third eye begins to open.
The events that you saw in lucid dreams at night can be repeated during the day. These are a kind of prediction.
In order not to forget your dream, immediately after waking up, retell it to yourself, and write it down later. Do this every day, and then re-read the notes.
Step 2
Synchronization in life is another sign of psychic ability. Pay attention, perhaps many of your thoughts or feelings begin to manifest themselves in the space around you. This is the makings of psychic abilities. You may begin to attract events that you constantly think about. At the same time, it may not be within your power to control these predictions.
Try to wish something good for the person who has problems. Think about your spell often. Perhaps, with your help, everything will really work out for him, and you will be convinced of your psychic abilities.
Step 3
Try to discover your psychic abilities with the help of cards. Remove any card from the deck and, without turning it over, try to guess the color of the suit. If it works, then you do not need to stop, try to name the suits, and then the rank of the card.
Step 4
Take an old family album and run your hands over the pictures of people. Try to understand if the sensations of photographs of living people and photographs of dead people are different. Differences can be varied: temperature, color, a picture can appear in front of your eyes. If it seems to you that the sensations are different, then check yourself - do the same with photographs of people you do not know.