How To Discover Your Extraordinary Abilities

How To Discover Your Extraordinary Abilities
How To Discover Your Extraordinary Abilities

Many people dream of having some kind of unusual ability. It is believed that almost every person possesses them to one degree or another, it is just that most people have them very weakly. Extraordinary abilities can be developed, but for this, you first need to identify their presence.

How to discover your extraordinary abilities
How to discover your extraordinary abilities

There are a number of unusual abilities, among the most famous are clairvoyance, foresight, wordless suggestion, telekinesis, the ability to bioenergy therapy, the ability to influence the likelihood of events. A series of tests can be conducted to detect such abilities.

Identifying unusual abilities

Zener cards are traditionally used to determine the ability to clairvoyance. The subject is asked to guess what is drawn on the cards taken out of the stack in random order: a circle, a square, a cross, a star, or wavy lines. It is necessary to perform at least 50 attempts, after which the results are processed according to a special algorithm. The resulting figure makes it possible to determine that the ability to clairvoyance is completely absent, weakly expressed, well manifested or unique. On the Internet, you can also find special programs that work according to the described principle.

Foresight can be determined by flipping a common coin. A fairly long series of about 100 tosses is required. If the number of guessed tosses is consistently above 50%, then you can be congratulated on having the ability to foresee.

The easiest way to test your ability for wordless suggestion is to get the people around you to do something harmless. For example, looking around, scratching your head or ear. Such actions do not pose a threat to a person, therefore they are not suppressed by his subconsciousness. An important point: do no more than 3-5 attempts, then take a break for at least a day. The order itself should be very light, without aggressive mental pressure.

The ability to telekinesis is tested using a paper spinner suspended from a string inside an inverted can. If from a distance of 2-3 meters you can get the turntable to turn in the right direction, you have the ability to telekinesis. Just wait for the turntable to come to a complete stop.

For treatment with hands, first of all, very good sensitivity is needed. You can evaluate it like this: slide your relaxed palm over a live wire - for example, a regular indoor power strip. If from a distance of 2-3 centimeters you catch a clear sensation of the presence of an electromagnetic field, you almost certainly have the makings of non-contact treatment. Then you can read the relevant literature and test your strength in practice.

The ability to influence events is tested as follows: being somewhere in the park, mentally intend the implementation of a simple event. For example, it could be a pigeon sitting on the path in front of you, or just a bird flying past you. It can also be a car signal, a banging of a car door, etc. etc. The required event should appear after your will within 5-10 seconds, no more.

Dangers of Developing Unusual Abilities

Many psychics and magicians warn that developing extraordinary abilities can be very dangerous. This is a one-way road - unusual abilities are difficult to develop, but even harder to get rid of. Practices associated with the development of clairvoyance and forebodings are especially dangerous - the sensitivity rises sharply, a person opens up to those forces that he simply did not notice before. The result can be very sad, even fatal or a clinic for the mentally ill.

That is why think three times about whether you need unusual abilities - while they are in a dormant state, you are reliably protected from many dangers.
