How To Test Your Magical Abilities

How To Test Your Magical Abilities
How To Test Your Magical Abilities

Table of contents:


Many of you and I know or at least once have heard that the hidden reserves of the human body are unlimited. Most people only agreed with this when they saw some kind of external confirmation of this. However, few people thought about what kind of inner work was the predecessor of these events and whether he himself could discover in himself any hidden abilities or opportunities.


It is necessary

  • Ability to observe yourself and others
  • Introspection ability


Step 1

First of all, it is necessary to take on faith the fact that each person "by default" has a whole set of hidden, "magical" abilities. The thing is that their manifestation is almost always fraught with a lot of difficulties.

Step 2

If you think about it, then many of us simply do not need properties such as, for example, telepathy. Why would a person be a telepathic person and try to communicate mentally with another person when they have a mobile phone?

Step 3

Therefore, the very question of testing one's abilities is a little incorrect, since Why check what is already in stock from birth?

Step 4

However, if you still have a desire to test the strength of the manifestation of your hidden qualities / abilities, then there are very simple ways to detect them.

Step 5

Observe yourself carefully and analyze your life. Answer the question - has it happened in you when your random thoughts about someone led to certain consequences for that person?

Step 6

So, many cases have been described when seemingly unconscious thoughts of people who are strong in the energy plan, brought others to illnesses or any troubles.

Step 7

Does it happen that what you have said, or thought out to yourself - will soon come true? Our thoughts are material, and the stronger the inner strength of a person, the more tangible the consequences of his thoughts or statements can be.

Step 8

Track the attitude of pets, especially cats, to you. These animals are very sensitive to any types of energies and feel wonderful whether a person is good or bad in front of them. If a person has a lot of negative energy, a cat or cat is unlikely to allow him to stroke himself for a long time, and even more so to take in his arms. They will most likely sniff you and then try to increase the distance between themselves and you if they don't like you.

Step 9

Remember that the use of certain energies imposes a great responsibility on a person. Moreover, the laws of life are such that when using negative, responsibility is orders of magnitude higher, tk. in this case, you can harm others by your actions. Therefore, to experimentally test your abilities, it is better to use positive qualities.

Step 10

Try to wish someone good things. For example, recovery or early resolution of problems, and then follow the further fate of this person. If everything works out for him, try again. If successful, it will already be possible to think about what exactly your good intentions helped this person. This means that you have the necessary base for the development of your abilities.

Step 11

In any case, remember the responsibility that lies with you. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility for its use. A thoughtless command of great power can lead to sad consequences. On the contrary, using your energy for good will only increase your strength. In order to get a lot, you have to give a lot.
