Each person in one way or another is endowed with superpowers. The only question is how much effort was spent on their development. A psychic is not a magician and a wizard wrapped in a robe, it may be each of us.

Step 1
Human thinking is based on two hemispheres of the brain. From childhood, people usually develop the right hemisphere, which is responsible for logic and rational thinking. In its development, it is usually significantly ahead of the left, which is responsible for creativity and intuition. To develop such abilities in yourself, change accents, make the left hemisphere more involved. Start with simple everyday situations, resort to intuitive analysis.
Step 2
Constantly use your intuition to develop extrasensory perception. When the phone rings, try to guess who it is; guess which melody will sound on the radio next; when waiting for a bus, guess the numbers and see which one comes first; develop a sense of time, try to determine what time it is with an accuracy of the minute. Constant loads give a quick result, after a while you will notice that the percentage of correct answers has increased greatly.
Step 3
Psychics say that in addition to practice, meditation and general spiritual preparation play a significant role. Do meditation exercises. To do this, sit comfortably and begin to breathe slowly, monitoring the depth of inhalation and the duration of the exhalation. Do these exercises counting. At this moment, try to correctly tune your consciousness by visualizing certain images. These can be landscapes well known to you or fantastic pictures, the main thing is to feel their reality and tangibility. Meditate every day, it strengthens the spirit. Use more sophisticated techniques, such as meditation while walking or while working, but this requires honed skills.
Step 4
There are a number of exercises for developing telepathy, but for them you will need several people, preferably three. You sit in a circle and, by an effort of will, convey to each other a short phrase, do it in pairs, spending from five to fifteen minutes on one approach. Telepaths get their insight instantly, so pay more attention to sharp flashes of thought as you exercise. Over time, you will learn to separate the products of logical thinking from telepathic revelations.