Which Trees Give Energy And Which Ones Take Away

Which Trees Give Energy And Which Ones Take Away
Which Trees Give Energy And Which Ones Take Away

Table of contents:


The unique properties of trees to heal a person have been proven by biophysicists. All trees are conventionally divided into two groups: donors and vampires. Donor trees give energy to a person, vampire trees take energy. Trees of both groups are useful - you just need to use their energy in a certain state of the body. In case of migraine, osteochondrosis, trauma, it is necessary to “pump out” negative energy with the help of a vampire tree. For diseases of the digestive system, respiratory tract, arthritis, stress, the donor tree will help.

Which trees give energy and which ones take away
Which trees give energy and which ones take away


Step 1

Donor trees include: oak, birch, acacia, maple, pine, linden, mountain ash, all fruit trees during the flowering period.

Step 2

The strongest tree is oak. It heals, gives strength, leads to the right thoughts, normalizes blood pressure, relieves headaches, improves brain activity.

Step 3

Birch. This tree is a healer. Gives vitality even with serious illnesses. Helps with flu, bronchopulmonary diseases, heals joints, normalizes blood pressure.

Step 4

The fresh energy of acacia is good for anyone. Gives vigor, improves mood. Especially good for women.

Step 5

Maple eases the course of the disease, heals. Provides calmness.

Step 6

The energy of pine increases immunity, tone, is an antidepressant. Pine clears the human aura, partially removes spoilage, stimulates the nervous system, relieves stress and irritation.

Step 7

Linden, apple, ash increase the general tone of the body, relieve fatigue, drive away fears.

Step 8

Rowan protects against damage and the evil eye, cleans the biofield. Contact with rowan awakens the sexuality dormant in a woman.

Step 9

Vampire trees include: aspen, poplar, chestnut, willow, spruce.

Step 10

Aspen takes up negative energy. The most powerful tree is the vampire.

Step 11

Poplar calms, gives clarity to thinking. Helps with inflammation, burns.

Step 12

Chestnut is a very strong tree. Affects the biofield, mends holes from the blows of fate. Treats polyarthritis.

Step 13

Willow promotes nervous and mental relaxation, relieves headaches.

Step 14

Spruce protects from the evil eye and trouble. Does not allow quarrels, illness to a person, "creates a protective screen."

Step 15

Before communicating with the tree, relax, come up, put your hands on the trunk and mentally ask the tree for help. Wrap your arms around the tree trunk, you can lean against your whole body. Close your eyes and inhale deeply the energy that the tree gives you. The duration of the session is from 5 to 15 minutes. After contact, thank the tree.
