What To Do For A Florist In August

What To Do For A Florist In August
What To Do For A Florist In August

Despite being very busy, in August you definitely need to find time and pay attention to the flowers in the garden. For a little care, they will give their lush bloom next season.

What to do for a florist in August
What to do for a florist in August

The main concern for flower growers in August is the transplantation and division of perennials that bloom in spring. Such perennial flowers as: peonies, irises, primroses, aquilegia, anemone, dicenter, lilies of the valley, doronicum, pyrethrum, swimsuit, veronica. They are now in a state of relative calm.


They are dug up, the above-ground part is cut off. The roots are cleared of soil and divided into parts. If the bush does not share hands, which is preferable, then a sharp knife is used. Any division should have young renewal buds.


Near new plantings, labels or tags are installed, so as not to forget, not to trample, because the regrowth of the "young" will begin only in the spring.

The flowering of annual and autumn flowering perennials continues. From time to time it is necessary to clean them from the faded bolls that appear after flowering. Such a sanitary procedure gives a new impetus to flowering, to the emergence of a new wave of flowers. And a little corrective pruning of broken branches will also benefit the plants. They continue to feed flowering plants, fight diseases and pests.

It's time to start collecting your seeds. Flowers such as chamomile (cornflower), lupine, pyrethrum, bells, delphinium, pansies have already formed their seed pods.


Annual marigolds, calendula, petunias, lobelias and others also begin to set seeds. In an annual aster, a central bud is left for seeds and allowed to ripen. The rest of the buds and stepsons are cut out. If the flowers are not hybrid and there is no principle in the purity of the varieties, then the most abundantly flowering specimens are chosen to collect seeds. Fruit pods are cut, laid to dry in a dry, ventilated room. Be sure to sign the collected seeds, indicating the year of collection and make the necessary descriptions of the flowers.


At the end of August, you can plant spring small-bulbous (crocuses, irises, muscari, redwoods), daffodils.
