Rose is the queen and pride in our gardens. Proper care and care in August can ensure reliable overwintering and longevity of the bushes. What needs to be done to make the rose bushes happy in the next season?

In August, many types of roses bloom again. And, in order to simultaneously enjoy the beauty and fragrance, and not to lose the plants during the wintering period, a number of necessary and simple measures should be taken.
Soil care
Despite being very busy, you should always try to keep the soil clean and tidy. Weeds should not grow around the rose bushes. In addition to nutrition, they are a source of fungal diseases at the end of summer. The weather is changeable and the difference between day and night temperatures always brings powdery mildew, spots that our roses do not need at all. Loosening of the soil, watering is carried out as needed. But do not water the roses over the leaves.
Top dressing
In the last month of summer, rose bushes are fed exclusively with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This can be superphosphate, potassium sulfate, or potassium chloride. An excellent potash fertilizer is wood ash. You can apply the special "Autumn" fertilizer. In dry weather, fertilizing is applied in liquid form; in wet rainy weather, granular fertilizers are scattered around the perimeter of the bushes.
Pruning, shaping roses
Young branches growing in August are preferable to cut out. They will not have time to ripen and will freeze during the winter months. Faded flowers are not cut off. This helps the roses switch from vigorous growth to maturing stems.
Pests and diseases
As before, even at this cool time, raids of ants and aphid colonies are annoying. In wet weather, slugs are very harmful. Therefore, from time to time it is worth examining your green pets and protecting roses from pests. If signs of spots appear on the leaves, you can treat the bushes with some kind of fungicide for prophylaxis.