How To Make Violets From Beads

How To Make Violets From Beads
How To Make Violets From Beads

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Craftswomen make not only very beautiful jewelry from beads, but also a lot of various handicrafts: weave trees and bouquets of unfading flowers, including cute and delicate violets.

How to make violets from beads
How to make violets from beads

It is necessary

  • - 50 g of beads in different shades of purple;
  • - 1 g of yellow beads.
  • - 50 g of beads in different shades of green;
  • - pliers,
  • - wire cutters,
  • - stationery knife;
  • - wire with a thickness of 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm;
  • - purple and green floss.


Step 1

Calibrate the beads by the shades and size of the beads, put them in different small containers, such as saucers or jam sockets. This will make it easier for you to string the beads onto the wire.

Step 2

To create a violet petal, cut a piece of wire 0.2 mm thick and 50 cm long. String 14 transparent dark purple beads in the middle. Then pass one end of the wire through the first bead of the row, and you should end up with a loop. Next, string 7 dark purple matte beads onto one of the free ends of the wire and pass its end through the top bead of the loop. On the second free end, string 8 matte dark purple beads. Twist the ends of the wire several times. Make 5 petals in the same way.

Step 3

Cut a piece of wire 40 cm long. String 3 yellow beads for the violet core in the middle of the wire. Now fold it in half, with the beads in the center. Place the petals around the center and twist the wire to form a stem. Make several violets depending on the desired size of the finished product.

Step 4

Start making violet leaves. Take a wire with a thickness of 0.4 mm, cut a piece 20 cm long and make a loop at its end. String 7 green beads on the opposite side. At a distance of about 15 cm from the loop, screw a wire 0.2 mm thick, 100 cm long, string green beads of different shades of 70 cm of green beads onto it. Twist the loop at the end.

Step 5

Place the chain with strung beads next to the first row and twist through 7 beads, creating the second row. Then do the same on the second side of the first row, twist through 7 beads, but already at the bottom of the chain. Then do in the same way, each time increasing the number of beads in a row. In total, there will be 13 rows in a piece of paper. Make 5-7 leaves of this size and a few smaller ones.

Step 6

Collect flowers and leaves in a bush. Wrap the pedicels and stems about 2/3 of the length of the wire with thread floss to match the beads. Connect several violets, arrange the leaves around the edges and twist the wire at the bottom of the composition. Place the beaded violet in a small vase or pot for indoor plants.
