Rowan fruits appear at the end of summer and decorate it all autumn and even winter. The plant has one drawback, if you bring several branches home and put them in a vase, they will wither very quickly, and the berries will wrinkle. You can decorate your home with bright bunches of mountain ash, which will delight you for several years, if you weave them from beads.

Required materials and tools
To work you will need:
- green beads;
- beads of bright orange color;
- wire for beading;
- thick wire;
- brown floss threads;
- gypsum;
- water;
- wooden stick;
- PVA glue;
- a small flower pot;
- varnish.
Weaving twigs
Prepare the required number of wire pieces. Slice about 30 pieces, each 40 cm long. Take one piece, step back from the edge about 10 cm and make the first leaf. To do this, string 7 green beads, bend them with a loop and make 3-4 turns under it.
Step back 2 cm from the first loop-leaf and make the second in the same way. In total, you need to dial 7 loops of the same size. After that, fold the workpiece in half so that there is 1 leaf at the top and 3 at both ends. Twist the wire to form a twig. Make 20 similar parts.
Next, make 10 more branches with leaves, but larger. The lowering technology is the same. You need to dial 7 green beads on one end of the wire and twist it into a loop, but you need to make 9 leaves.
Weaving bunches of rowan
Cut 10 pieces of wire, each 20 cm long. String an orange bead on one piece, place it in the center and twist a wire under it, making 5-6 turns.
Step back 2 cm from the resulting stalk, string another bead and twist the wire. Thus, make a bunch of five or six orange-colored beads. In total, you will need 10 such blanks.
Assembling and decorating a tree
Fold together one large twig, two smaller ones, and a bunch of mountain ash. Twist them together. Cut off a piece of thick wire and screw the branches to it, positioning them as you like. Wrap the trunk of the tree and branches with brown floss, try to place the turns as close to each other as possible.
Secure the tree in a container. Dilute the gypsum with water to a thick sour cream, stirring the mixture with a wooden stick. Pour the resulting mass into a flower pot and put a rowan from beads in it. Then pour out the remaining gypsum and leave the craft for about a day to completely solidify the gypsum mass.
Lubricate the surface with PVA glue and decorate with green beads. Sprinkle varnish on top of the craft.