Notes are used to convey information, and like the letters of the alphabet, they can be read. They denote musical sounds. To identify and read notes, you need to know how they are positioned on the staff.

Step 1
The term "note" is a symbol or graphic sign that denotes a sound, its pitch and duration. To be able to recognize and read sheet music, you need to learn musical notation. It is taught in music and secondary schools in singing lessons. But you can master it yourself.
Step 2
First of all, remember the names of the notes. There are seven of them: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si. And they are arranged (like the letters in the alphabet) in this order.
Step 3
Notes are written on a staff or staff, which is five parallel lines drawn. They are counted from the bottom up. To expand the staff, additional lines are used, which are drawn at the bottom and top of the staff. Notes can be placed both directly on the rulers and between them.
Step 4
The higher a note is written on the staff, the higher its sound. The ordinal value of the note is assigned to each line and interval of the staff. Moreover, their order never changes.
Step 5
If the note "mi" is written on the first line, then after it, in the interval between the first and second lines, is "fa", on the second line - "G" and so on. Below the first line, the note "re" is written, and for the "do", an additional ruler is drawn at the bottom. To identify and read a note, you need to determine its position on the staff.
Step 6
The keys are used to determine the starting note relative to which all others are located. Most often two: violin and bass. The first is also called the "salt" key, and the second is called the "fa" key.
Step 7
The clefs are placed at the very beginning of the staff (left) and are the starting point for reading the notes. In the treble clef, as a rule, the part for the right hand is written, and in the bass part for the left hand.
Step 8
The curl of the “G” clef begins on the second line of the staff, where the “G” note of the 1st octave is located. All other notes on the staff are calculated and determined automatically relative to it.
Step 9
The bass clef "fa" begins on the fourth ruler and indicates that it is on it that the note of the same name in the small octave is located. And all the rest are arranged in order above or below it. The name of this key comes from the word bass (low male voice). In the bass clef, notes are written in the lower register.
Step 10
In order not to be mistaken in determining the note, one must look at the clef located at the beginning of the staff. Recall that the treble clef originates from the 1st octave G line, and the bass clef originates from the small octave F line. All other notes are located relative to them.