How To Guess With A Pendulum

How To Guess With A Pendulum
How To Guess With A Pendulum

Not all situations encountered in life can be resolved using ordinary logic. Sometimes, when the search for a solution reaches a dead end, you want to get an answer from the outside, and one of the ways to connect with your subconscious and other non-traditional sources of information is fortune telling with a pendulum.

The pendulum is a powerful tool for answering difficult questions
The pendulum is a powerful tool for answering difficult questions

Preparing for fortune telling: purchasing inventory

For those who are not professionally engaged in fortune-telling and fortune-telling, it is necessary to start by choosing the pendulum itself, and it is immaterial whether it will be bought in a store or made with your own hands. It is only important to comply with certain rules. The length of the thread varies from 15 cm to a distance of more than a meter - a person will have to use such equipment while standing. The optimal size is about 30 cm, that is, the weight suspended on the thread should be near the table surface, with the hand on the elbow. The thread can be taken from a regular sewing spool or a ball of yarn, but in the latter case, it should be smooth and even - no fluff or bulges.

The load should not have an asymmetric shape, it is also not advisable to use metal objects: a suspension, a scraper, a needle - they catch extraneous energy and can make mistakes. The ideal choice would be a plastic button or large bead, a round pebble, or a store-bought pendulum made from natural materials.

The first steps

The divination process carried out by a beginner does not tolerate haste and the presence of skeptics. It is worth allocating at least a free hour when a person will not be distracted by household chores. First, you need to establish contact with your own pendulum and learn to recognize its responses.

The capabilities of the pendulum are limited: it gives only four answers, for which its weight makes one of four movements. These are swinging left and right, back and forth and circular rotations clockwise and counterclockwise. They mean yes, no, don’t know, and don’t want to answer. The beginner predictor will have to figure out the correspondence between the movement and the response on their own.

To do this, you need to clamp the tip of the thread between your fingers, wait for the pendulum to remain motionless and ask it a direct question: what movement will mean the answer "yes" - and then observe its oscillations. Changing words, you should ask him the same three questions. Having mastered the control of the pendulum, you can ask him any things, but the form of the question should suggest an unambiguous answer: yes or no.


Few people succeed in fortune-telling from the first lesson, so contact with the pendulum must be strengthened by regularly performing simple exercises. A deck of cards comes in handy for this. Having chosen one of them at random and, in spite of the picture, having laid it face down, you need to ask the pendulum a question: is this a court card? If yes, then you should continue: is it a jack, a queen, and so on. If not, then two, three, etc. The suit is also recognized by enumeration. It is important to learn to be sensitive to the differences in the swing of the pendulum, as well as to interpret its movements.
