Why Do Flies Dream

Why Do Flies Dream
Why Do Flies Dream

In principle, dreams involving flies are not by themselves capable of causing any harm to a person. They just warn him about certain options for the development of events in reality. Therefore, you do not need to take every such case to heart.

Flies dream not for good
Flies dream not for good

In real life, these unpleasant and annoying insects do not and will never have fans. They are also absent in dreams involving flies. After all, such pictures do not bode well. Confirmation of this can be found in almost any dream book.

Why do flies dream according to Miller's dream book

The famous psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller claims that dreams with flies are not good. Moreover, in flies, he sees ill-wishers and even enemies for the dreamer. Dreams with a large number of these insects, according to Miller, portend pretty big troubles for young girls in their personal lives - gossip, sadness and empty chores.

Miller sees some optimistic moments in such dreams. For example, by driving out flies or fighting with them in a dream, in reality you can avoid any dangers, defeat enemies, and even improve your personal life.

There is no need to try to take revenge on potential enemies. One should always remember about the "boomerang law". The best option would be skillful evasion from evil, as well as good deeds. All this will change the dreamer's life for the better.

Flies according to Hasse's dream book

Catching flies in a dream is a danger. The dreamer needs to protect himself from harm. If you dreamed of a fly that got into wine or food, in reality the dreamer will be afraid of something. Killing flies - to overcome real obstacles.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Evgeny Tsvetkov claims that flies are a symbol of slander and libel. In addition, the abundance of these insects in a dream is an abundance of envious people in reality. As a rule, these are people from the dreamer's inner circle. That is why not every friend or girlfriend is considered as such. If you dreamed about one single fly, this is sadness. In reality, any worries, financial costs, intrigues may arise.

Dream Interpretation Maya is one of the few in which there is a positive interpretation of the dream about flies. If the insect is dead, then there is a romantic meeting or a pleasant trip ahead.

If a fly buzzes

According to Longo's dream book, a fly buzzing over his ear speaks of distrust of the dreamer on the part of his loved ones. Most likely, they will find some of his actions unreasonable, senseless and unreasonable. The dream book says that you can avoid such quarrels if you put up with pride.

If the dreamer crumples and trembles a fly in his hands, opens its wings, he needs to conduct a thorough analysis of his relationships with loved ones. Dream Interpretation Longo suggests that such a dream is evidence of the not always objective and sometimes biased attitude of the dreamer towards his loved ones.
