An event seen in a dream sometimes does not come from thoughts and poisons a reality in reality. A good way out of this situation is to watch a dream book, which will tell you what certain images in a dream portend.

What does betrayal of a loved one mean in a dream from the point of view of various dream books
The most common interpretation of such a dream in a variety of dream books is optimistic. It is believed that if a betrayal of a loved one dreamed in a dream, in reality he would not even have such a thought. But if in a dream you dream of your own betrayal, this portends losses.
Gypsy dream books take a slightly different point of view. According to their interpretation, this dream is prophetic and means a quick repetition of what was seen in a dream in reality.
If in a dream a loved one was ready to change, but at the very last moment he nevertheless pulled himself together and avoided temptation - this dream portends good luck and prosperity to both the one who sees him and his entire family. If a loved one cheated with his best friend in a dream, this portends indifference, a cooling of relations on his part, but for reasons that are not associated with treason.
A dream about the betrayal of a lover can signal that the close people of the dreaming person can abuse his trust. There is also an interpretation stating that such a dream for a married person warns of the possibility of fire, ignition in the home.
If in a dream a loved one is trying with all his might to seduce a woman, clearly striving for treason, promises a long separation and problems with relatives on his part.
Interpretation of sleep from the point of view of psychology
There may be several reasons for such a dream in the subconscious. Perhaps the one who had such a dream, by indirect signs, realized that a loved one was cheating on him. But in the hustle and bustle of everyday work, he did not give these signs the proper weight and simply forgot about them. But as soon as night fell, the subconscious brought them to the surface. You should take a closer look at the non-verbal signs that almost everyone will give out with their heads, since it is very difficult to control them. After that, it will immediately be clear whether such a dream is true.
The second reason is the low self-esteem of the one who had such a dream. If from childhood a person is inspired that he is not good for anything and is not needed by anyone, the person begins to believe in it. And, having met his soul mate, he will subconsciously be sure that it is impossible to love someone like him, and will wait for betrayal. Cheating for a person with low self-esteem is natural, because any other, in his opinion, will be a much better couple for his partner. He is tormented by the realization that this moment is about to come, and the more time he and his beloved spend together, the stronger the nervous tension in anticipation of when he will be replaced by a better option. Such dreams are perhaps a good reason to visit a psychoanalyst.
Maybe there is a very real reason for this dream in the form of the behavior of a loved one in reality. There are people who find it necessary to flirt everywhere, always and with everyone. Their partners have different attitudes towards this. Perhaps the person who sees such a dream is trying to close his eyes to this and pull himself together. He convinces himself that things do not go further than flirting, which means that everything is in order. But in reality, this behavior is unpleasant for him. There is nothing wrong or humiliating in talking to your partner about your discontent, if it has already crept into your dreams.