Girls in love dream of having a child from their beloved man. However, on the way to this dream, there are often some factors that impede its implementation. In such cases, women may dream that they finally became pregnant from their chosen one - but is such a dream prophetic or does it mean something completely different?

Meaning according to famous dream books
According to Miller's dream book, a pregnancy dream foreshadows a safe delivery and a quick recovery after giving birth to a pregnant woman. Vanga's dream book claims that a married woman who sees a pregnancy from her husband in a dream will soon give birth to twins, and unmarried girls should be wary of the deceit and dishonesty of their beloved men. If a woman who interprets dreams according to Freud's dream book dreamed of pregnancy from a lover, then she will become pregnant in reality or meet a new man.
A man who dreamed of pregnancy is expected to either have troubles in a love relationship, or this dream speaks of his readiness to become a father.
According to the dream book of Nostradamus, pregnancy from a loved one predicts losses - and if someone else is pregnant in a dream, then soon a woman who had a similar dream will be asked to borrow money. Loff's dream book says that a pregnancy dream personifies puberty, creativity, or wealth. Tsvetkov's dream book deciphers the dream of conception from a loved one as pride and joy for women, but deception for young girls.
Psychological interpretation
Psychologists tend to interpret pregnancy dreams from a practical and scientific point of view. So, a pregnancy dreamed of by a young woman means the initial transition to the next stage of introspection. Sexually active women who are not planning to become pregnant may have such dreams during the menstrual cycle or if they fear an unwanted conception. Also, pregnancy can be dreamed of as a reminder to a woman of the realization of the maternal instinct.
Such dreams require careful analysis and analysis so that later pregnancy does not turn into a kind of phobia that interferes with a woman's full life.
A man's pregnancy, according to psychologists, reflects his personal life worries or doubts about his ability to continue the family. Most often, dreams of pregnancy are dreamed of by representatives of the strong half of humanity, who deliberately exaggerate their masculinity.
Also, pregnancy in a dream symbolizes the image of carrying some thought or idea that needs time to mature. In a negative way, such a dream can mean an alien influence from another person or the presence of organic diseases in the human body.