Myrtle is an evergreen shrub with small oblong leaves and small white flowers. This is one of the oldest indoor plants, according to legend, it was brought to earth from Paradise by Adam himself.

Why is it called that?
The word “myrtle” comes from the ancient Greek word “Myron”, it means “myrrh” or “balm”. In Greece, myrtle groves surrounded the temples of Aphrodite, who was considered the goddess of beauty. The myrtle genus includes more than a hundred species of various evergreen trees and shrubs. The homeland of all species is the Mediterranean.
The height of a myrtle bush or tree rarely exceeds a meter. The dense crown is formed from fleshy small leaves that exude a pleasant aroma due to the high content of essential oils.
Myrtles bloom in summer or autumn. It is a very beautiful sight - the plant is covered with beautiful pale flowers with five petals. They are usually white or pale pink in color. After flowering, fruits are formed - small oblong blue berries that can be eaten, although they do not differ in their pleasant taste.
Myrtles have long been used to decorate winter gardens, greenhouses and even rooms. Moreover, in ancient times, people appreciated myrtle not only for its external attractiveness, but also for its healing properties. The thing is that myrtle essential oils contribute to the death of pathogens. Decoctions and infusions of myrtle leaves were used (and are still used) for the treatment of tuberculosis, flu and tonsillitis.
In Europe and Asia, myrtle is used for diseases of the liver, stomach and pneumonia. And the scent of the leaves and flowers of this plant significantly lifts the mood and purifies the air. Myrtle essential oil is often used in cooking and perfumery. A significant number of popular fragrances contain pure notes of myrtle.
How to care for myrtle?
Myrtle trees prefer bright light, but do not tolerate direct sunlight, so it is best to use sheer curtains to soften and diffuse them. In summer, myrtle can be kept outdoors if the temperature exceeds eighteen to twenty degrees. In the cold season, it is recommended to bring myrtle indoors, although adult specimens can tolerate frosts up to minus five degrees without harm to themselves.
Myrtle begins to bloom only in the fourth or fifth year. If desired, its crown can be given almost any shape, since this plant tolerates pruning without problems. This is why myrtle shrubs and trees are so prized by professional interior and landscape designers.