How To Make A Piglet Costume

How To Make A Piglet Costume
How To Make A Piglet Costume

Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf, Piglet, Funtik - but you never know famous pigs in the world? And everyone needs a costume for a stage or game program. Sewing a piglet costume is easy, and you can create the desired look with the help of characteristic details.

A mask is suitable for a pig, but you can limit yourself to a hat
A mask is suitable for a pig, but you can limit yourself to a hat

Where can I get a pattern?

The piglet costume consists of three main parts: shirt, pants and cap. You can add more gloves and shoe covers, but not necessary. If you wish, you can also sew a jumpsuit with a hood, but it is not as comfortable as a suit consisting of separate parts. You need basic patterns for a shirt and trousers, as well as a cap pattern. The piglet has a rather curvy shape, so it is better to take the patterns one size larger. Model the sleeve pattern in about the same way as for a flashlight, that is, draw a middle line from the most convex point of the okat to the bottom, set aside 5-7 cm to the right and left, draw lines parallel to the middle through these points, cut the pattern, put it on the fabric and push it apart. It is better to make a shirt with a fastener on the back. The bottom of sleeves, shirts and pants are gathered with an elastic band.

The bottom of the pants and cuffs should fit snugly around the arms and legs.

Cutting and assembly

Sewing a pig costume is best made of flannel. It fits in texture, it is easy to sew, and besides, it is inexpensive. But you can take, for example, knitwear with a fleecy surface. Circle the parts, leaving allowances. You can start sewing from the pants. Sew the crotch seams. You will have two "pipes". Turn one on the front side, the other on the wrong side, then put the first in the second, aligning the upper cuts, sweep and sew. Fold in the top and legs twice, hem, insert elastic. Overcast seams. The shirt can be made without undercuts, its length can be slightly below the waist. The assembly procedure is usual - connect the side and shoulder seams, sew and sew in the sleeve, check the fit, sew in. Finish the neckline and sew in a short zipper. Sew the bottom of the product and the sleeves, insert the elastic. Sew a ponytail to the pants with a crochet - it's just a tube made of fabric with a wire inserted into it.

For knitwear, you need a special needle with a blunt end.

Hat with ears

For a piglet's costume, it is better to take a cap pattern, consisting of a bottom and a sidewall. It is better to take a ready-made pattern and enlarge it. The side strip should be long enough to grip it slightly. Sew the details, hem the sidewall. You can trim it with fine lace. For the ears, cut 4 identical triangles. Fold them in pairs with the wrong sides to each other, sew, leaving open the sides with which the ears will be sewn to the cap. Insert spacers of cardboard or some kind of flat, thin, elastic foam. Fold the open edges inward, baste the ears to the cap, and try on what you get. Ears should be standing. If everything suits you, sew them on. By the way, it is not necessary to make pads - you can just starch the hat. The piglet has one more necessary detail - a piglet. It is easiest to paint it on the face with face painting.
