Fred Astaire is perhaps the most famous tap dancer. Date of his birth - May 10, 1899, the artist died in 1987. To dance step, like the legendary Fred Astaire, you will have to work hard and work on yourself.

People like to look at a dance, spectacular, beautiful, clear - such as step, or tap dance. To keep the audience's attention, it is not enough to completely repeat Fred Astaire's technique. The king of the tap, the pioneer of tap dance, who created classical dance, had plastic and slow movements. But then the perception of the audience was different. Give the audience a show tonight. Therefore, borrowing only a few movements from the idol of the tap dancers is a worthy thing, but you also need to have your own zest, add your own charm, increase the pace and bewitch with excitement. Qualitatively selected music will be a plus, and even better - national motives.
Many novice dancers step out mechanically - they show the technique of their legs completely without plasticity, without any emotions, without elements of the show. However, it is necessary to dance step with soul - so that the audience's feet start dancing by themselves.
Anyone can be taught to tap dance. Dance, like grammar, is easy to learn and quickly memorized. But to hone your level of professionalism is a matter for everyone individually. For example, modern tap dance schools offer training for everyone, opening the door to even the most mediocre students. But both they and their tap dance teachers know that such tap dancers will never appear on the stage.
In order to dance step efficiently and artistically, you need to put your soul into your dance. If a person puts on step boots, he should be a musician, and use his feet as a musical instrument, as drummers, guitarists, pianists do … Compose music while dancing step, listen to your feet, draw a new piece with them. To dance a step is comparable to the flight of a bird.
The secret of the brilliant dance of the tap dancer is both music and a tap dancer on equal terms. A tap dancer has a major advantage over other musicians and dancers - when dancing step, he can accentuate the music, highlight its most beautiful moments, extracting sounds from his heels, and not just beating the music to the rhythm. You can even experiment - create your own variations within the step melody.
When dancing a step, the artist does not start from a specific leg - from the right or left, but makes a jump on both legs at once. This is how a double hit on the floor is obtained, and it sets the rhythm for all further tap dance. You can tap dance even in complete silence - without music, and the viewer will hear what kind of melody you are playing.
In order to dance talented step, one should understand that the main thing in this type of creativity is the dancer himself. Fred Astaire made tap dancing his main income, his way of life, and gave it to the world as a standard of style and elegance. And his phrase has become the motto of all modern tap dancers: "I always strive to give my dance the effect of a freely soaring bird …".
About the great tap dancer who taught the whole world to tap dance
Fred Astaire is from Austria. His father, Frederick Austerlitz, is from America, where he moved from in 1895. The Fred Astaire family loved to sing and dance. "Prohibition" brought the son to the stage for the sake of earning money. Fred's father lost his beer business in 1904 due to alcohol restrictions. The family returned to New York. At the age of seven, Freda conquered America with their impeccable tap dance. Fred Astaire was loved by the public until his death.