Michael Jackson has made an invaluable contribution to the development of dance. Thanks to him, many people began to learn this fascinating craft and became real professional dancers. You can acquire the necessary skills, learn to repeat the legendary movements of the pop king and turn into a star of the dance floor on your own with the help of training videos and clips.

It is necessary
Computer with Internet access or TV, DVD-player and discs with clips and instructional videos, full-length mirror
Step 1
Download Michael Jackson's music videos or videos from the Internet that teach him his dance style, where such information can be found in abundance in the public domain. In the absence of the Internet, buy a disc with the relevant information offline.
Step 2
Play Michael Jackson's tutorial videos or clips on your computer or DVD player. Try to repeat the dance moves and memorize them as much as possible.
Step 3
Practice each individual element of the dance in front of the mirror. Perform each movement slowly at first. After the movements are worked out to automatism, move at a faster pace.