Michael Jackson's Wife: Photo

Michael Jackson's Wife: Photo
Michael Jackson's Wife: Photo

Michael Jackson is officially recognized as the most successful pop music performer in world history. There were many high-profile scandals in his life. Some of them were associated with the name of his second wife, Debbie Rowe, who gave birth to two children to Michael.

Michael Jackson's wife: photo
Michael Jackson's wife: photo

Youthful hobbies and Michael Jackson's first marriage

Michael Jackson is a legendary pop musician. His personal life deserves special attention. For the first time, Michael fell seriously in love at the age of 17. Actress Tatum O'Neill became his lover. For some time they were friends, and at one of the parties, the girl offered Michael a closer relationship. She did not like the shyness of the chosen one. Michael was confused and covered his face with his hands, for which he was publicly ridiculed. After this incident, the performer did not meet with the girls for a long time.

The changes in Jackson's personal life became known after the next tour of his family team. On tour, he met the daughter of the legendary Elvis Presley Lisa-Maria. Soon, the celebrities had a secret wedding. The attitude to this event was not unambiguous. Some people saw in him a merger of two famous musical families, while others believed that in this way Michael was trying to save his reputation.


The marriage lasted only 1, 5 years. The divorce from Lisa was loud. Before the beginning of the relationship with Jackson, the daughter of Elvis Presley had already been married and had two children. Michael insisted on joint children, but Lisa-Maria did not dare to take this step. She admitted that she would not want to subsequently sue the pop singer. He warned her in advance about the desire to raise children in the event of a divorce.

Michael's wife Debbie Rowe

Michael met his second wife Debbie Rowe when he was still officially married to the daughter of Elvis Presley. Debbie Rowe was born in the United States in 1958. She received her medical degree and worked as an assistant to the dermatologist Arnold Klein. This specialist is known for being one of the first to apply the latest technologies for skin rejuvenation, as well as injecting Botox for star clients. Among the clinic's most loyal visitors was Michael Jackson.

Debbie recalls that Michael felt very depressed, as the relationship with Lisa went wrong, the couple wanted to get divorced, and they never had children. The desire to become a father became an obsession for the performer. According to Debbie, she offered to help Michael and give birth to his child. Her first pregnancy in 1996 ended unsuccessfully. Jackson's firstborn was born in 1997. Rowe suggested that the boy be named Prince Michael, after the pop king's grandfather and great-grandfather. In the same year, Michael and Debbie got married.


In 1998, the daughter of the artist Paris Michael, Catherine Jackson, was born. Journalists have written more than once that this family is very unusual. Many believed that the children were given birth by a surrogate mother. According to another version, Debbie gave birth to a son and daughter not from Michael. She could use donor material, since the children did not look like the famous father. The doctor, with whom Rowe worked for many years, was also suspected of paternity.


Already in 1999, Jackson divorced his wife. He received the right to raise children, and his ex-wife was paid a large sum as compensation and rewrote several real estate objects to her. Critics accused Debbie of cruelty, lack of maternal instinct and a desire to make money on her own children. Rowe admitted that from the very beginning there was an agreement between her and Michael, according to which she had a clear task - to give birth to the pop king of heirs. Debbie spent little time with the kids. Michael made all the commitments. He was madly in love with his son and daughter. After the divorce, the performer used the services of a surrogate mother, who gave birth to his youngest son, Prince Michael, the second.


Rowe only began interacting with children after Michael's death in 2009. She signed an agreement with Prince and Paris's guardian. The son willingly made contact, but the daughter did not want to see her. Everything changed only in 2016, when Debbie was diagnosed with a serious illness. The relationship between her and her daughter became warmer.

The scandalous statements of Michael Jackson's wife

In 2018, Debbie Rowe made a scandalous statement. She claims that there was never any intimacy between her and Michael and their marriage can be considered fictitious. Debbie was offered fertilization with donor material and she agreed to it. She and Michael secretly signed a contract with one of the famous clinics.


When Debbie got married, she was already five months pregnant. Initially, they did not plan the wedding, but the artist's mother insisted on this. It seemed to her that everything would look more natural this way. These statements by Jackson's ex-wife became a real sensation, and in parallel with them, a major scandal erupted, which was caused by the release of the movie "Leaving Neverland" in distribution. Several men who were childhood friends with Michael and lived on his estate, accused him of sexual abuse. The singer's fans do not want to believe in all this and in the revelations of the performer's ex-wife. They think that Debbie just wants to draw attention to her person.
