King, he must remain king on paper. And if you are drawing the king of pop, Michael Jackson, then the paper itself should "scream" about who is drawn on it. To achieve this effect, you must know this person well, or at least familiarize yourself before starting the drawing. Some of the things that make Michael Jackson king must be noted in the drawing, both as a tribute to the memory and as basic elements of realism.

Step 1
Decide on your age. As you know, Michael was originally African American, and at a later age he acquired a pale pink hue. It is important to consider that if you are drawing a young Jackson, he cannot be white.
Step 2
Choose a pose. This is a very important detail. Jackson has always been associated with certain gestures, postures and the like. And not to portray him during a moonwalk would be, to put it mildly, wrong. In any case, if this is your first drawing of Michael, this pose is the best choice.
Step 3
Start at your feet. One leg is directly extended, and the other is on the toe, preparing for a change of position. The extended leg also barely touches the floor. It is better to extend the diagonal of the floor covering as far as possible. This will help create the desired "flying" effect of the pop king.
Step 4
Work on the details of Michael's costume. For greater recognition, you can either portray the singer in a shiny shirt or in a white semi-cowboy jacket. In any case, you will be faced with a number of little things that need to be drawn. The easiest way is to take a photo and copy the details from it.
Step 5
Pay attention to the length of the singer's legs. This is especially true for those drawings where Jackson dances: flared trousers combined with long legs make him truly a giant. This feature is also worth highlighting.
Step 6
Picture the singer smiling, no matter what, almost always the singer in public was smiling and benevolent. Be careful with your lips and nose. It is better to depict them a little more than they really were, as these flaws on paper will be much more noticeable.