The moonwalk is a kind of "calling card" of Michael Jackson. It is known all over the world, and even many of those who are not fans of Michael Jackson want to learn how to perform it.

Step 1
Watch those moments of music videos and videos from Michael Jackson's moonwalking performances. This movement was accompanied by the performance of the songs "Billie Jean" and "Smooth criminal". Carefully consider all the movements of the singer so that you can repeat them later.
Step 2
Find the right shoes - with a flat, smooth sole and without a heel. In the event that you do not have such boots, you can replace them with thick woolen socks.
Step 3
Find a workout room with suitable flooring. Since rough, rubberized, not smooth enough floors will interfere with moonwalking, it is recommended to train on a smooth, even laminate or parquet floor.
Step 4
Place a large mirror so that you can see all your movements in it. Stand up straight and straighten your shoulders. Place your right foot in front of your left so that the heel of your right foot is level with the toe of your left. Then bend your left knee and stand on your toes.
Step 5
Resting on the toe of your left leg, begin to slowly slide your right leg backward while bending it at the knee. At the same time, lower your left foot down until the heel touches the floor. Thus, the right and left legs will be swapped. You are now resting on the toe of your right foot.
Step 6
Repeat the movement slowly, changing the position of the legs. Please note: the feet should only rise, but not come off the floor. Move smoothly. Learn to moonwalk until you move confidently. Then try performing a moonwalk to Michael Jackson's songs at the same speed as the singer did during his songs. Repeat all the movements after him, remembering to look in the mirror and correct your shortcomings.
Step 7
After learning how to perform the moonwalk, exercise regularly to hone your movements and bring them to perfection.