Go is an ancient Chinese board game. They have very simple rules, but it takes years to achieve a high level of skill in the game. The set for the game includes a lined 19 x 19 board, although boards of other sizes can be used, stones in two colors (180 white and 181 black). Sometimes the set includes bowls for stones.

It is necessary
Set for the game of go
Step 1
One of the players plays with white stones, the other with black ones. Go moves are made by the opponents in turn. Black starts. At the beginning of the game, the board is empty. During the turn, the player places one of his stones at any point where two lines of the board intersect (point).
Step 2
Each stone should be positioned in such a way as to have at least one vertical or horizontal point near it. Such a point is called a lame.
Step 3
Stones of the same color, located with each other in adjacent points, form groups. The dame of any of the stones in the group is common to the entire lame group. Thus, it is sufficient that only one of the stones in the group has a lame.
Step 4
In the case when a group of stones is surrounded by the opponent's stones so that it loses all its domes, the whole group is removed from the board. The same is true for a single stone.
Step 5
The rules of the game prohibit the player from making a move, as a result of which his own group loses all liberties (suicidal move), unless by such a move he deprives all the liberties of the opponent's group, thereby capturing it. After the captured group is removed, the group will have new liberties, which means that the move was not suicidal.
Step 6
In the course of the game, in addition to capturing enemy groups and preventing the capture of their groups, the participant needs to surround territories and prevent the enemy from encircling territories. The area of the board is considered to be surrounded if it is bounded on all sides by stones of the same color (closed group).
Step 7
The player has the right to skip his turn by saying “pass”. If both players fold, the game is over. This happens when none of the players can see any more moves that can bring him points.
Step 8
If, after the end of the game, a group of stones remains on the board, which would have been captured if the game continued, this group is considered a prisoner and is also removed from the board.
Step 9
At the end of the game, the points are counted. Each player is awarded one point for each captured cell and one point for each enemy stone removed from the board.
Step 10
In go, it is forbidden to change the move, move stones around the board, move twice in a row if the opponent does not miss his move, put more than one stone on the board in one move. In any of these cases, the offending player is automatically defeated.
Step 11
Go provides compensation for the player who makes the second move, it is called komi. The amount of Komi is negotiated before the start of the game. Usually Komi is 5, 5; 6, 5 or 7, 5 points in favor of the player who goes second.