How To Say Beautifully About Yourself In Verse

How To Say Beautifully About Yourself In Verse
How To Say Beautifully About Yourself In Verse

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Whether you are preparing a text for a party, or for a performance at a holiday, or for self-presentation at a competition, poetry remains the most memorable form of telling about yourself. And many people choose poetry without considering the pros and cons of this form, without considering their abilities and inclinations.

How to say beautifully about yourself in verse
How to say beautifully about yourself in verse


Step 1

Remember that you can not compose anything yourself, but use the fund of already composed poems. Just do not think that you can take some Pushkin's work from a floundering bay and amaze the listeners on the spot. In order not to look like a schoolboy in their eyes, reading out a stupidly memorized poem, you need to choose poems so that they best reveal your nature. It is not necessary to take the whole poem, it is not necessary to dwell on one author. Having built your self-presentation in such a way that it would be interesting to listeners, you will amaze them not only with what you talk about (biography, achievements, successes, awards - depending on the topic and purpose of the speech), but also impress with your erudition and erudition in the field of poetry …

Step 2

Even if you decide to compose a medley of other people's poems, do not hesitate to insert your creative component there. You are bad with versification, and in your entire life you have not composed a quatrain so that there was at least some kind of rhyme? No problem. Often people who have absolutely no ability for poetry begin to write some kind of poetry influenced by what they read. When choosing poems, try not to leave the topic. Even if you really like a passage, do not rush to write it into the text of your speech. You talk about yourself, therefore, no matter how symbolic the poem may be, it should communicate some information about you.

Step 3

Let's say that you still decide to take a chance and write poetry yourself. The main rule here is to be able (or learn) to do it. It is good if you are a student of a literary institute, philology or journalism faculty. Then you have a certain sense of beauty, a taste in poetry and literature. But if there is no such feeling, then it is better to give your compositions for proofreading to a professional, ruthless critic. The more ruthless he is, the more opportunities you will have to edit the poetry, and your speech will have more chances of being successful. You just want to tell beautifully about yourself.

Step 4

Become familiar with the basic concepts of versification: poetic meter, types of rhymes, and so on. Nice to learn some style. All this theoretical knowledge, however, is unlikely to help you very much if you have absolutely no ability for poetry, but it can be useful if you know how to write poetry. In addition, consider the lexical content of the poem. Use phraseological units, proverbs and sayings. They are on everyone's lips, and a timely inserted "sharp word" will only add piquancy to your poetic dish. However, be careful with jokes and witticisms: lest your sense of humor do you a disservice. It is better to "check" jokes first on friends and close acquaintances, and only then make them public.
