A teddy bear is a toy that has become a cult toy for many children and does not lose its popularity. Love for her passes from generation to generation. Traditionally, these animals are sewn from plush - a fluffy fabric with a soft and long pile. “Plush” also refers to most padded items made from other suitable materials. Try to make a favorite "friend" for your little one. A beginner can try sewing a teddy bear using the simplest pattern.

It is necessary
- - main fabric with fluffy pile;
- - additional pink fabric;
- - paper;
- - pencil;
- - scissors;
- - iron;
- - needle and thread;
- - floss or buttons (beads);
- - stuffing (synthetic winterizer, artificial cotton wool, nylon);
- - wire for the frame (optional).
Step 1
Find the right fabric. It is no coincidence that plush is often used for sewing a soft bear - the villi hide the seams (especially if they are made by a beginner), and the finished product does not look handicraft. As a rule, the nap on a cotton cloth is made of wool, silk or cotton. You can also recommend mohair, velvet or faux fur. If the fabric contains elastic fibers, then the cut elements will easily stretch along the layout.
Step 2
Draw a future teddy bear and make a pattern. You can use a ready-made one - fortunately, on the Internet and in needlework magazines, you can find many instructions for sewing soft toys. A simple pattern consists of the following details:
• the body of the bear (belly and back);
• head (back and muzzle);
• ear (four parts);
• upper paws (two parts);
• lower paws (two parts);
• small round tail;
• pads of the upper and lower legs (two each). They are recommended to be made of dense pink (flannel, coarse calico, etc.).
Step 3
Iron the fabric prepared for sewing the teddy bear on the wrong side. Now you need to carefully trace all the details (also from the inside out) with a pencil. Leave about 0.5 cm of headroom for seams.
Step 4
Sew the frame of the future toy - the abdomen and back. Sew a neat seam by hand or with a sewing machine on the wrong side of the parts. Leave the neckline and part of the shoulder line free.
Step 5
Turn out the torso of the soft toy and stuff it tightly with padding polyester, loose synthetic cotton or cut old nylon tights. It is not recommended to use cotton wool and sawdust - the item needs to be washed frequently and it should be easy to clean.
Step 6
Sew, twist and stuff in the rest of the teddy bear. Sew them to the body by hand with a blind stitch. In this case, you need to bend the edges of each part inward. Create a crease in the center of the ears (or curl the seam line) for a more natural look. Sewing the head to the neck, assemble and tighten - the neck will shrink to the desired size.
Step 7
Sew on the paw pads and start styling the face. Make the nose of the bear out of fabric: cut out a circle, assemble along the edge and tighten. Then fill in the part and sew it neatly. The eyes can be embroidered with satin stitch. For a child over three years old, you can use beads or buttons - pull them down harder to make the eye sockets.