The question of loneliness has been topical lately as never before. Despite the active development of social networks and various methods of communication, people are moving away from each other, hiding behind monitors or buried in gadgets.

Ten years ago, could you imagine a romantic dinner, where two people look not into each other's eyes, but into the display of their own phones? This is reality now. Friends prefer to communicate with each other via the network, and even close relatives prefer communication via Skype to family dinners. On the one hand, finding someone close to you in spirit and outlook does not seem to be a difficult task, but the likelihood of disappointment exceeds all possible boundaries. People take relationships lightly, so lightly that they are worthless.
How to find someone who is similar to yourself and not be disappointed?
First of all, you need to understand that real relationships are built only face to face. Everything else is an illusion. You can resort to the network as an initial source for dating, but in any case, communication should continue in real life, and it does not matter if it is romantic or friendly. First, you need to define your interests and understand how you would behave. What might interest you, where would you spend your time. And already based on this, start looking for what you need. Can dating sites be considered for these purposes? Despite the fact that many are not flattering about these resources, they do help in solving this issue. But, so that you do not waste your and other people's time, clearly indicate who you need. To do this, you can simply describe yourself and indicate these criteria in the questionnaire. You can also use various forums and interest groups. Chat, ask questions, add new acquaintances to your friends.
How to go from online to offline communication?
It is quite possible that by attending an event you are interested in, you will also be able to meet people who are similar to yourself. And if you have already formed a society in the network, you can invite a person you are interested in for a personal meeting. To do this, choose what is interesting to you. The fact is that you are not looking for the right person to whom you can adapt, but the same as yourself. Therefore, analyze the behavior from your side. Suggest topics of interest to you, discuss. And if you find a response in another person and see that your views on the world are similar, then the task is completed. A person similar to you will appear in your life, with whom you will be interested.
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When searching, also consider your negative sides. If you are looking for someone like you, be prepared to accept it with the same negative traits. Can you come to terms with it? Do you forgive yourself for any wrongdoing, or are you looking for someone who is just like you on the good side? Before starting an active search, look at yourself from the outside and analyze possible events. Also remember, in addition to new technologies, there are mystical factors. They appear when you visualize events and people. Try this technique. Think that the person you need is already there, describe him, imagine. The power of thought really works and, at times, is much more effective than modern technologies.