Why Do Birds Dream

Why Do Birds Dream
Why Do Birds Dream

If dreams with birds are of interest to the beautiful half of humanity, then you can not worry about anything. The fact is that birds foreshadow women some new and bright relationships, love stories. Marriage is not excluded.

In most cases, dreaming birds are positively interpreted by dream books
In most cases, dreaming birds are positively interpreted by dream books

In general, it is believed that beautiful dreaming birds promise energy, vigor and health. If the birds are in cages, some litigation and proceedings are coming, in which the dreamer will certainly win. Feeding birds in a dream is a wonderful sign. Meetings are coming with cheerful people who can become excellent friends for the master of dreams.

Why do birds dream from Hasse's dream book?

In principle, the birds in this dream book are also an auspicious symbol, but, of course, there are some exceptions. If the dreamer catches a large bird and in every possible way its thrill, clipping the wings, squeezing the legs, then in reality this can result in stolen happiness. After all, envious people are not asleep.

Hearing the clucking of domestic chickens in a dream is a long journey. Dreamed parrots are a symbol of empty talk, gossip. Chickens in a dream - to create their own family.

If in a dream a feathered creature soared high into the sky, then in reality it promises certain losses. In no case is it recommended to kill dreaming birds. This is not good: in reality you can experience any loss. Whether it will be the death of a loved one or just parting with a loved one is not specified in Hasse's dream book.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller believes that dreaming birds are a positive symbol in almost any situation. Such a dream speaks of a successful life, prosperity in the professional sphere, and profit. Sometimes "bird" dreams need to be viewed in a specific context of real events. The fact is that often the bird warns the dreamer about gossip going on behind his back.

According to Sivananda's Vedic dream book, to see a bird in a dream is to find yourself behind! In this case, the birds are the messengers of failure.

In order to try to decipher the contextual "bird" dreams with the greatest accuracy, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of your soul during awakening. This will allow the dreamer to feel the changes that are going to happen to him. In addition, Miller argues that feeding birds in a dream is good. A variety of bright little birds - to profit.

What to do if birds of prey dream?

Hawks, kites, falcons and other dreaming predators are enemies. They say that in reality the dreamer has envious people who are trying to harm him in every way. If you shoot birds of prey in a dream - in reality it will be possible to overcome all obstacles, having dealt with your enemies by any legal means. If you just drive away predators in a dream, then in real life you can implement any projects and ideas, since envious people can no longer interfere.
