Dream Interpretation: Why Do Fur Coats Dream

Dream Interpretation: Why Do Fur Coats Dream
Dream Interpretation: Why Do Fur Coats Dream

Even such a simple thing as a fur coat, dreamed of by a person, can be interpreted in completely different ways. The accompanying elements and details of the environment should be taken into account.

Fur coats
Fur coats

A fur coat in a dream

Most often, a dreaming fur coat is a symbol of the proximity of the long-awaited success. Having dreamed of a young unmarried girl who is in search of her soul mate, a fur coat foreshadows a wealthy admirer. But this dream also warns of the low moral qualities of the future fan, so you will have to make a difficult choice.

If you really like a fur coat in a dream, it is comfortable to wear and it is lightweight, this promises prosperity and success. Seeing yourself in a dream in a cold climate and putting on a fur coat, solely to keep warm - such a dream hints at the practicality of a person who is dreaming. This sanity should be protected and not changed even in difficult situations.

Associated symbols

If you dream of a shabby, shabby, old fur coat - a dream means an amendment to the financial situation of the sleeping person. Buying, exchanging, finding or otherwise acquiring a fur coat in a dream portends harmony and love. If, on the contrary, the sleeper's fur coat was stolen, this dream portends only colds. A fur coat spoiled by a moth means the awakening of intuition, you should trust your feelings after such a dream. A spoiled fur coat can be a symbol of illness.

A fur coat that does not allow movement is excessively heavy and interferes with walking, hints at the inert lifestyle of the sleeper or is a harbinger of immobility. This can be both physical trauma and obligations that cannot be violated and that do not allow you to feel free. After such a dream, it is best to reconsider your habits and make more careful promises.

When a person sees himself dressed in a fur coat and at the same time he is hot, uncomfortable, or in general he is not dressed for the weather, this may be the result of a nervous overstrain caused by the topic of lack of finance. Perhaps the issue of material well-being is acute and it is because of this that thoughts do not go into another direction. Having seen such a dream, you should help yourself to get distracted as much as you can.

Seeing unattainable fur coats for sale in a dream, and at the same time being in the cold half-naked and suffering from the cold portends depression, troubles, dissatisfaction with one's own life. Dogs tearing a fur coat on a sleeping person - he risks suffering for nothing, getting involved in someone else's conflict.

A fur coat seen on a person for whom it is clearly not in size and very large portends the appearance of a person with an overestimated self-esteem. How this person will affect the life of the sleeping person depends on himself. Seeing a person in only one fur coat on a naked body is a symbol of betrayal, which will most likely be committed by someone close.
