A person dreams during sleep. Most of them, as a rule, are not remembered. But there are dreams that are etched into the memory, because they were either very vivid, or very good, or, on the contrary, they were nightmares. There is another category - this is when in a dream you dreamed of a person for whom you are experiencing something special. This category of dreams includes a dream in which the ex-wife is dreaming.

Dreams of former lovers are not uncommon. Very often, people can dream of ex-boyfriends or girls, husbands or wives. Once you had feelings for them, but now only memories remain of the feelings, which sometimes can come to you in a dream.
Interpretation of a dream about your ex-wife
If in a dream the ex-wife passes by and does not even turn around, this means that all feelings and relationships are in the past.
If in a dream with your ex-wife there is intimacy or at least some manifestation of tenderness (kiss, hug) - this means that the feelings between you are still alive and do not give rest in real life.
Also, this dream may indicate that there is a person next to you who is worth paying attention to, perhaps he is in love with you and hopes for reciprocity.
If, on the contrary, you quarrel or fight with your former soul mate, then in real life you will be building relationships with the opposite sex.
If in a dream the former lover looks different than in life (different hair, height, figure) - this may be an omen of some trouble in life.
If your ex-wife dies in a dream, you need to be prepared for any significant changes in your life.
If in a dream you are just next to your ex-wife, it means that you have coped with the pain of separation, and everything is in the past.
If in a dream your ex-wife is with some other man, then it's time for you to forget about her and build your life, because the best is always ahead.
The opinion of psychologists about such dreams
Experts are not so categorical and literal as dream books. And if in a dream you see your ex-wife, experts will advise you to understand your real life. Perhaps she is missing something that you received in a past life when you were still together. Maybe warmth, sincerity, or just love of a loved one.
Another interpretation of such dreams, according to psychologists, may be upcoming changes in your life, in the correctness of which you are not sure and are afraid to make mistakes. Indeed, in the subconscious of anyone, an ex-wife is the personification of a mistake, failure or failure.
Perhaps in your real life you are afraid to make such a mistake, and it torments you very much.
In general, do not forget that your dreams are a reflection of reality: past or present. And in them there will always be a place for people, even those who have remained in the distant past. Life itself will show why you had this or that dream.