Slavic Animal Horoscope: Snail (ravlik)

Slavic Animal Horoscope: Snail (ravlik)
Slavic Animal Horoscope: Snail (ravlik)

Under the sign of the snail (ravlik), according to the Slavic horoscope of animals, there are people born in the period from July 10 to August 9. Among such personalities there are many dreamers who prefer to live in a fictional world, as if hiding from the harsh reality in a solid shell.

Slavic animal horoscope
Slavic animal horoscope

Snail people cannot boast of a very strong character or steel will. Life often seems to them unbearably difficult, too difficult. People-snails more often than others are faced with the desire to move away from the world, to hide behind an invisible solid wall. They are non-conflicting, do not like to argue and demonstrate their emotions, experiences to the public. Often they like to just watch everything that happens from the side without interfering with the process. Often such people give the impression of a lack of initiative, passive personalities who are accustomed to always waiting for the weather by the sea.

A person born under the sign of a snail (ravlik) tries not to get into situations where he will have to be excessively active. He is not at all attracted by vanity, and the need to rush or quickly respond to some circumstances causes him to panic internally.

The snail man dreams of an easy, calm, stable life. He is attracted by harmony, balance and lack of change. It is difficult for people born under the sign of a snail (ravlik) to adapt to any changes. They often perceive change only as something negative, dangerous and gloomy. And from crisis or stressful situations, they do not know how to draw any valuable experience.

Despite the reluctance to show his feelings and experiences, the snail man is by nature very emotional. Every day he experiences countless emotions. His mood is unstable, but more often negative mood dominates. If a snail-man has become discouraged, it can be extremely difficult for him to get out of this swamp. Such a person, even against his will, concentrates mainly on negative aspects. In conversations with relatives or friends, she can constantly mention how hard life is for her, how hostile and gloomy the world around is.

It often seems to the snail man that no one is able to understand and support him. He may not be particularly selfish, but concentrating on his own worries, he stops noticing anything else.

People who are patronized by a snail (ravlik) are among the hypersensitive individuals. They have developed both empathy and intuition. However, such people are not always ready to hear and listen to their inner voice.

Due to their increased sensitivity, snail humans are able to read other people without much difficulty. In a few moments they catch the mood of another person, they can easily find a common language even with an unfamiliar or difficult person.

The snail man is usually very much appreciated as a loyal, empathetic, caring, attentive friend. However, due to the weakness of character, the snail man from time to time can fall under someone else's bad influence. Other people can use it for their own selfish purposes. In addition, it is extremely difficult for such a person to refuse. He is afraid of offending or upsetting, therefore he agrees to any proposals even if he has no desire for such.

A person who, according to the sign of the Slavic horoscope of animals, is a snail (ravlik), does not have the greatest reserve of strength. From time to time, he needs to remain alone, completely stopping all interaction with the outside world. Only in such an environment is such a person able to replenish the supply of internal strength.

Due to the fact that snail people have a very rich imagination, they can make excellent creators: writers, artists, screenwriters, poets, storytellers.
