A fussy, but slightly lazy hamster is a totem animal according to the Slavic horoscope for those born between June 10 and July 9. Such people do not have an endless supply of energy. They often experience burnout and breakdown.

A fast life, filled with various events, tasks and responsibilities, plunges a hamster person almost into despondency. He likes the measured flow of time much more, when he does not need to spend a lot of energy on performing any duties. Being in a multitasking situation, the hamster person turns into an uncollected, fussy, nervous-restless person. Any shocks and changes force a human hamster to experience a varied range of emotions. They also plunge him into a state of stress, which a person born under this sign does not really know how to cope with.
People who are patronized by a small rodent know how to work as well as rest. However, work is often associated with torment for them. They are a little lazy by nature, they often engage in procrastination. It can be difficult for them to pull themselves together, pull themselves together and take decisive action. Numerous work duties, rules and deadlines to be followed, various reports and routine work routines - all this plunges the hamster into a state of, if not panic, then a little despondency. It is difficult for such individuals to work according to the usual generally accepted schedule. Among the people-hamsters, there are many of those who "swing" only for dinner, as well as those who love to get up later. Morning for a human hamster is often the most hated time.
Because of all the features that are inherent in people born under the sign of a hamster, such individuals should choose non-office work as their life's work. They can make great artists and freelancers. It is easier for a hamster to work hard without sleep and rest for several days in a row, then to fall exhausted and enjoy the rest, than to work in a five-day format, consistently performing routine tasks.
The hamster man is a couch potato. He enjoys being in a cozy and comfortable home environment, reading books or watching exciting films. However, such a person also loves to communicate, but getting him to a noisy event or to a night club can be difficult. Being surrounded by a large number of people, showing initiative and remaining active and vigorous, a hamster man quickly becomes exhausted. After such a pastime, which is also accompanied by various emotions that need to be "digested", the hamster wants to go into hibernation. He needs to stay for some time in silence and loneliness, to fully relax in order to replenish the supply of strength and energy.
Hamster people are quite hospitable. Therefore, they would rather invite acquaintances and friends to visit than go to a noisy party. Collecting is often a hamster man's passion, so there is always something to see in his apartment.
A person who was born under the sign of a rodent according to the Slavic horoscope of animals can be classified as a gourmet. Such a person loves to eat tasty and satisfying food. Hamster people make good cooks and pastry chefs. However, if such a person does not choose any such profession for himself, he cooks at home for family and friends with great pleasure. He is not afraid of experimenting with food, he is always ready to try something unusual and tasty.
Hamster people are advised to monitor their diet so as not to face digestive problems. And also they need to learn not to seize stress and problems with various delicacies.