Jumping into the water in a dream is a rather ambiguous symbol. The interpretation of such dreams may vary depending on the particular context of the general dreamed events. In general, such dreams are considered warning ones: in reality you will have to face a lot of obstacles and trials.

Why do you dream of jumping into the water? Esoteric dream book
Jumping into the water, according to the interpreters of this dream book, indicates any doubts on the part of the dreamer: he cannot make a choice, he is at a crossroads. Before making any important decisions, the dreamer needs to think several times, otherwise you can hurry up and break a lot of firewood.
Jumping into the water from a tower speaks of the dreamer's inability to correctly assess the people around him: a poorly developed intuition does not allow him to objectively evaluate the character and actions of an individual. Jumping into the water on your own is a successful endeavor.
If a jump into the water in a dream was carried out from someone's supply, then in reality you should not rely on someone else's opinion, since there is a risk of being circled around your finger. Jumping into the water and starting to choke - to dubious achievements: you should not rejoice ahead of time, because the whole truth will soon be revealed. By the way, after such a dream, you should not carry out any risky transactions - they can end in a very deplorable and even tragic way.
Jumping in a dream into ice water entirely depends on its state. If the water turns out to be crystal clear, pleasant prospects and good events are coming. If the water is muddy and dirty, you should think about your behavior. Apparently, in reality, the dreamer is mired in bad deeds, in dirty deeds. The dream warns him that the hour of reckoning is near, and soon he will bear the punishment he deserves. Jump into the sea - plunge into the stream of new events, new trends and achievements.
Diving. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
Evgeny Tsvetkov gives an interpretation of such a dream only to young ladies. He believes that jumping into river water in a dream for young girls is a quick new sensation and relationship. He assures that one should not be afraid of new acquaintances, since the ideal in the person of the opposite sex is already very close.
Dream Interpretation Longo: jump into the water
White magician Yuri Longo considers this dream as follows. Jumping into the pool from a tower speaks of serious changes in the dreamer's fate that will have to happen soon. In the near future, the dreamer will have to decide which life path he will take, because his future future will depend on this.
Jumping into the water according to Freud's dream book
Sigmund Freud views this dream in his own way: jumping into the water is a sexual act. To jump into the water means to be imbued with an incredible desire to have a child. For girls to jump in a dream into some kind of body of water - to pregnancy.