What Are Maggots

What Are Maggots
What Are Maggots

The maggot worm has absolutely nothing to do with earthworms. In fact, the maggot is the larva of various types of flies. It has a length of 4 to 12 mm, is widely used in medicine, as a food insect or bait for fishing.

What are maggots
What are maggots


In their natural habitat, maggots feed on stale meat and foods in which the fermentation process has already been completed. Easily grown in the laboratory on a sweet paste of sugar and starch. In the presence of favorable conditions for development, the maggot spends about 15 days in the form of a larva, after which it transforms into a fly. When exposed to unfavorable factors, it plunges into suspended animation, in which it can withstand temperatures up to -30 ° C. It can exist in a state of suspended animation for up to 2 years.

Maggot in fishing

Despite disgusting, maggots are widely used in fishing. They are one of the most popular baits. Depending on the type of fly, maggots can be of different colors and sizes, and this plays a big role in choosing the right bait.

Small, up to 15 mm, magot larvae are used very often. They have a strong skin, so they can stay on the hook for a long time. Also, these larvae have negative buoyancy, which is important for clean bait. But the main drawback of magots is their rapid pupation. In the refrigerator, this type of maggots is stored for no more than three weeks.

There are also quite large, up to 25 mm in length, maggots of a variety of gordini or gozzers. They are used for catching large fish, in particular, in the spring, when they can replace the larvae of burdock or bark beetle. But these larvae pupate even faster, within only one to two weeks.

The maggots most beloved by sellers and fishermen are called pink. They reach a length of up to 1 cm, but are very mobile, and also have a slightly red color, which attracts fish better. Pinka is stored for a long time and does not pupate. These maggots can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Maggot in medicine

In many clinics, these larvae are used as an effective, cheap and safe method of clearing dead tissue and suppuration from wounds. Several maggots are placed on the wound, after which they are left there for a while. As a result, the maggots eat up any dead tissue, leaving the wound clean. This method is used not only in developing countries, but also in more than 1,500 clinics in the USA and Europe.

Maggots are often used as food for exotic animals and aquarium fish. But for pets, these larvae can be dangerous, since they are one of the causative agents of a disease called myiasis.
