More and more people are writing articles, some are doing it for the soul, while others are doing it for the sake of additional income. Each person has his own principle of writing, but it is not always the correct one. In order for the article to be of high quality and benefit people, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail before starting to create a masterpiece.

Step 1
If the topic of the article is free, then, first of all, come up with a title. Try to write only about topics that interest you or are well versed in. It makes no sense to write about plants if you only know that they are green and sometimes bloom. And the work, which the author has created with great difficulty due to ignorance of the topic, will not benefit the reader.
Step 2
Once you've decided on a title, start looking for the information you need, even if you know everything in the area. After all, you can find many interesting facts that you have not seen anywhere else. Analyze everything you read and think about how to present it so that it is easy to read and the logic is followed.
Step 3
Create a writing-friendly environment and start sculpting. Write consciously and consistently, otherwise the article will be unreadable or too dry. The volume of the work should depend directly on the topic: write until it is fully disclosed. Do not stop halfway and do not try to finish the article before its logical conclusion.
Step 4
After writing, proofread the article well for spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors, and correct the content if necessary. You can check for errors in any text editor that supports spelling and punctuation checking.
Step 5
In some cases, it is necessary to enter keywords, for example, if the article is about feeding cats, then the keywords should be "how to feed cats", "feeding cats", "ways of feeding cats", "diet of cats" and so on. Do not write them in the style of "food", "cats", "bowl", such phrases will not be useful.
Step 6
Set the piece aside for a few hours. In the meantime, start looking for an image that will characterize the meaning of what is described in the article. The picture should be of high quality and bewitch the eye. After some time, re-read the work again, and then you can already publish it.